Kuroko is first placed into Teiko's third string basketball team. However, after practicing everyday after school with Aomine, Akashi realised Kuroko talent as the "Phantom 6th Man." During a game between the third and second string, Kuroko proved himself and was upgraded to first string. But when he plays in a friendly game as starting player, he is so nervous he is subbed out immediately. The coaches are unsure if they should keep him on first string, but with Aomine's encouragement, they keep him on for one day. Now that Kuroko's nerves are under control, his help in the team is obvious and he is permanently placed on the first string bench.
친구와의 약속을 떠올리며 테이코 중학교 농구부에 들어간 쿠로코. 그러나 쿠로코는 주전과는 거리가 먼 제3군에 소속하게 되는데.
Kuroko se coloca por primera vez en el tercer equipo de baloncesto de Teiko. Después de practicar todos los días después de la escuela con Aomine, Akashi se dio cuenta del talento de Kuroko y lo incorpora como el "Phantom 6th Man".
La sera prima della finale contro la Rakuzan, Kuroko ripercorre con i compagni di squadra il suo passato alla scuola media Teiko con la "Generazione dei miracoli".
Nach dem gewonnenen Halbfinalspiel bereitet sich die Mannschaft von Seirin auf das Finale gegen Rakuzan vor. Tetsuya nutzt die Gelegenheit, um den Beginn seiner Basketballkarriere Revue passieren zu lassen. Im Gespräch mit seinen Mitspielern durchlebt er noch einmal den harten Weg in die A-Mannschaft der Teiko Mittelschule.