Inogashira goes around the old cultural town of Ningyo-cho, looking for Japanese gifts to send to his European female friend. Since his friend is expecting a child, Inogashira wants to get her something for her pregnancy as well as an item that denotes Japanese culture. While looking for shops, he stops by a tea shop called "Mori no En" and tries out their sweets made with green tea. Later on, as he was browsing in a shamisen shop, he feels the need to eat something that's classically Japanese... and so, tempura comes to mind. He goes around the area searching for a tempura-ya until he smells the aroma of frying foods. It was coming from a shop called "Tempura Nakayama"...
핀란드에 사는 출산을 앞둔 친구로부터, 도쿄, 스이텐궁의 복대를 부탁 받은 고로(마츠시게 유타카). 일본을 좋아하는 그녀에게 복대 외에도 ‘일본 문화를 느낄 수 있는 것’을 부탁 받은 고로는 닌교초를 찾는다. 무엇을 사야 할지 고민하던 중, 화과자 가게에서 휴식을 취하게 된다. 다시 거리로 나온 고로는 고리짝과 샤미센을 취급하는 가게에 들어간다. 샤미센의 소리를 들으면서, 무얼 먹을지 생각하는 고로. 머지않아 목표를 정해, 가게를 찾기 시작했다.