Nagate rettet Tsumugi, wird jedoch von der blutroten Adlermotte überwältigt. Die Situation wird ernst, als die Überlebenden von den Gaunaschwärmen angegriffen werden.
Placental copy Shizuka entered Nagates cockpit and restrains him, Izana hacks into the Tsugumori's systems to allow Nagate to deal a killing blow on the Benisuzume, leaving the Shizuka copy dormant in his cockpit. Once Nagate releases Tsumugi, all the Gauna located on the planet converge arround them. A rescue party from Sidonia with Hayakaze-equipped pilots wipe out all the enemy forces. With his cockpit damaged, Nagate is force to return to Sidonia where Shizuka copy is put into containment. As Nagate is condecorated for his bravery, Lala approaches Kobayashi and urges her to stop using him for her plans. Meanwhile, Kunato, glimpsing an incomplete chimera, claims that his main goal is at hand. Nagate leaves behind his honorary medal at the place he was raised by his grandfather. And then he and his friends are once again called to sortie.
Nagate sauve Tsumugi, mais il se retrouve maîtrisé par le Sphinx écarlate. Tout semble perdu lorsque des nuées de Gauna foncent sur les rescapés.
Nagate soccorre Tsumugi, ma viene sopraffatto da Crimson Hawk Moth, mentre lo scenario si complica per i sopravvissuti con l'arrivo di una moltitudine di Gauna.
베니스즈메는 호시지로의 모습을 한 채 타니카제의 츠구모리 안까지 침입해 온다. 절체절명의 상황 속에서 이자나가 기지를 발휘하는데...
La placenta de Benisuzume trata de penetrar en el casco del Tsugumori para rematar a Nagate, y cuando parece que ya está todo perdido, consiguen cortar la placenta del cuerpo principal del Gauna. Mientras, desde Sidonia organizan una nueva operación de rescate para evacuar de Lem IX a todos los pilotos.
Нагатэ спасает Цумуги, но его одолевает Бэнисудзумэ. Ситуация становится критической, когда рой Гауна обрушиваются на выживших.