Der Erkundungstrupp wird von den Gauna angegriffen; Izana und der Anführer des Trupps können jedoch in die Atmosphäre von Planet Nine entkommen.
Izana's squad fight for their lives against the Gauna while on Sidonia Tsumugi and Nagate request for permission to rescue them. Nagate is entrusted with a new prototype Guardian the "Tsugumori Mark III". Meanwhile Izana and a pilot with callsign 064 enter the atmosphere of Lem IX using one of the Hayakaze's pieces as a heat shield while being pursued by the Gauna. Izana realizes that the Gauna are attracted to the artificial Kabi and Higs particles. After ejecting here power core the are no longer pursued, but powerless adrift in the Lem IX atmosphere. The rescue party consisting of Nagate and Tsumugi easily take out all encountered Lem IX enemy opposition until they encounter a Benisuzume-type Gauna. Tsumugi decides to confront the Benisuzume alone, so Nagate can keep searching for Izana.
Le bataillon de reconnaissance est attaqué par les Gauna. Izana et le chef d'escadron parviennent à s'enfuir en pénétrant dans l'atmosphère de la Planète 9.
La squadra di ricognizione è attaccata dai Gauna ma Izana e il suo capo riescono a fuggire nell'atmosfera del Pianeta Nove.
행성 나인으로 정찰을 떠난 이자나의 부대를 습격해온 가우나. 타니카제와 츠무기는 구조를 위한 출격 요청하지만 사령부는 받아들이지 않았는데...
El equipo de reconocimiento de Izana trata de zafarse de los Gauna, pero todo esfuerzo es en vano y varios de los pilotos son derribados. Los pilotos supervivientes con sus Gardes dañados quedan atrapados en Lem IX rodeados de Gauna. Yuhata trata de organizar una operación de rescate, pero Kobayashi la rechaza, aunque mas tarde accede a enviar a Nagate y Tsumugi para poder probar el Tsugumori Mark III en combate real.
Команда разведчиков подвергается атаке со стороны Гауна; Идзане и командиру отряда удаётся спастись, войдя в атмосферу Девятой планеты.