Nagate erkundet Sidonia und macht sich Kunato zum Feind, während er gleichzeitig einen Freund beschützt. Als die Gauna angreifen, müssen die Piloten in den Kampf ziehen.
The veteran pilots and Yuhata Midorikawa, another cadet, inquire Nagate about his fight with the Gauna but decide to let it for another day after realizing that he is still in recuperation. Later at night, Nagate learns the a festival known as the Gravity Festival is being held and leaves to check it out, while a fighting competition between guardian pilots is being held and despite fighting his best, Kunato is defeated by Akai, who remains the reigning champion, and Yuhata, who had hacked into the records of Nagate's battle against the Gauna, concludes that Akai made use of that to improve his skills. Meanwhile at the festival, Nagate meets Shizuka and they hang out together and Izana, who was looking for him, gets flustered upon seeing them together, injuring herself when an angered Kunato bumps into her, Nagate confronts Kunato for not helping Izana and he is injured once more while fighting him. Meanwhile, Captain Kobayashi learns that the Gauna had reappeared and is approaching Sidonia, assigning Akai's squad to deal with it. While recovering, Nagate and Izana are invited by Akai and his friends for a ride inside Sidonia's sea area before they sortie to fight the Gauna and in the next day, the cadets watch Akai and the others departing to confront the enemy, but the operation ends in failure as all pilots are killed by it.
Nagate tutkii Sidoniaa. Hän hankkii vihollisen suojellessaan ystäväänsä. Gaunat hyökkäävät, ja pilotit joutuvat tositoimiin.
Nagate se met à dos Kunato en tentant de protéger une amie. Pendant ce temps, les pilotes doivent faire face à l'attaque des Gaunas.
Nagate affronta Kunato per non aver aiutato Izana. Intanto i Gauna attaccano, provocando la risposta dei piloti.
가우나와의 접근전에도 불구하고 살아 돌아온 나가테에게 수많은 관심이 쏟아진다. 훈련생 중 에이스를 자부하던 쿠나토는 그것이 영 마음에 들지 않았는데... 한편 시도니아를 향해 전진하는 가우나를 격퇴하기 위해 시도니아 최강의 사천왕이 급파된다.
En Sidonia todos están sorprendidos por las habilidades de Nagate con los Gardes, incluso pilotos veteranos como el escuadrón de Akai le preguntan por los detalles del encuentro con el Gauna 487. Este equipo de 4 pilotos serán los responsables de eliminar la amenaza, con ayuda de unas lanzas muy especiales que son el único arma conocido capaz de eliminar definitivamente un Gauna.
Исследуя Сидонию, Нагатэ наживает себе врага в лице Кунато, защищая при этом друга. Гауна атакуют, заставляя пилотов начать боевые действия.