Ramness and his friends search for the dimensional gate "Otama Gate" to head to the dimensional castle where Don Genosai is performing the ritual of Abraham's resurrection. Dandies attacked them with a ghost knight who came to a village with a hot spring! Ramnes and Da Cider call Kaiser Fire, but they struggle unexpectedly. At that time, the masked heroes, red breeze and peach breeze, appeared ...
ドン・ジェノサイがアブラーム復活の儀式を行なっている次元城に向かうため、次元の門「おったまゲート」を探すラムネス達。とある温泉の湧く村にやってきた彼らに、ダンディ達が邪霊騎士で攻撃してきた! カイゼルファイヤーを呼ぶラムネスとダ・サイダーだが、思わぬ苦戦。その時、仮面の勇者・赤風と桃風が現れて…。