With Keita ill before the big exams Ako and Riko step up to the mark by getting out of school and making Keita feel better by nursing him back to health, but a slow recovery is the last thing Keita wants as his two stepsisters fight for the place closest to his heart. Both of them end up licking the sweat off his body, which passes the cold over to them whilst Keita makes a full recovery. The final exams are overseen by Yūzuki, who is surprised to find Keita there. Whilst Keita takes his exams, Ako and Riko remember how Keita was there for them when they were taking their exams. After returning from his exams, Keita gives his thanks to a sleeping Ako and Riko, who are surprised about it once he leaves.
Keita se enferma justo antes de sus exámenes y Ako y Riko salen de la escuela a cuidarle de nuevo a salud. Sin embargo, su recuperación se ve obstaculizada por los gemelos que luchan para ganar su afecto. Ambos de ellos terminan lamiendo el sudor de su cuerpo, la cual pasa el frío a ellos mientras Keita hace una recuperación completa.
고등학교 입시를 앞에두고 감기에 걸린 케이타. 아코와 리코는 케이타를 열을 내리기 위해 학교까지 빠져가며 노력하지만, 생각대로 잘 안 된다. 그러던 중 아코가 감기는 남에게 옮기면 낫는다며 케이타에게 키스를 한다.