Mystery Illness An unconscious young man is brought into the Emergency Department after suddenly collapsing while out to dinner with his girlfriend. With no clues as to what has gone wrong, Dr. Andrew Finckh and the Emergency team must investigate thoroughly to solve the puzzle of this man’s mystery condition. Ute Boys It’s double trouble in the resus bay when the Emergency team deal with two young men who have fallen from the back of a Ute while it was taking off at great speed. It’s a matter of tag-team treatment as the doctors examine the severity of their injuries. The Q Word The St. Vincent’s Emergency team explain the one word that they don’t like to use while they work. The Rule of Three It’s a bizarre day in the Emergency department as three patients present with stranger than usual medical complaints. First up is Natalie who has a very swollen ring finger after falling from a taxi and landing on her hand. With her wedding ring cutting off circulation fast, it’s a matter of losing the ring or losing the finger. Next door is Myra. She’s bitten through her lip after fainting at the sight of blood when she cut her finger while cooking dinner. And finally, there’s the ‘Elephant Man’ – normally known as Shaun. He has a larger-than-life injury after getting an elbow to the eye while dancing at a music festival.