Gale executes Carter making Noah watch. Noah is then saved and taken to a hiding place by the monument, he was arrested at, by Kis. Now Goverment soldiers have come in and destroyed the park everyone worked so hard to build. Not obly that but the entire village is told they must get ready to leave in three days. This angers Kis and a few other villagers so they decide to fight the soldiers. Can they win against a large foe?
Carter est exécuté par Gale, son propre fils, pour avoir abrité un étranger, Noa qui assiste incrédule à la scène, sans le signaler aux autorités de Neotopia. Kis et plusieurs autres jeunes gens du village décident de se révolter contre la décision de démanteler le village.
Gale planea destruir el pequeño pueblo de Letto enviando a su gente a diferentes ciudades. Para salvar el lugar que ha amado, Noah intenta persuadir a Gale para que lo lleve y no dañe la aldea. Gale se niega, sin embargo, y Keith, que quiere defenderse, inicia una rebelión.