นิทรา (โบว์ เมลดา) หาเงินด้วยการรับจ๊อบพิเศษช่วยแขกขายผ้าจับคู่สีผ้านุ่งห่มจนเกิดเป็นเทรนด์ใหม่ แต่แล้วความก็แตกเมื่อถูกแม่แฟง (จอย รินลณี) จับได้แถมถูกลงโทษและสั่งห้ามทำอะไรลับหลังอีก แต่คนอย่าง “จี๊ด นิทรา” มีวิธีหาเงินใหม่ได้เสมอ แต่โชคร้ายก็มาเยือนอีกจนได้ เมื่อมีคนลอบทำร้ายจนนิทราตกน้ำเกือบตาย และครั้งนี้นิทราก็ได้เห็นความทรงจำตอนที่บุญตาตกน้ำว่าแท้จริงแล้วบุญตาไม่ได้ฆ่าตัวตาย แต่มีคนต้องการฆ่าบุญตาต่างหาก และนั่นยิ่งทำให้คุณฉาย (ภณ ณวัสน์) เป็นห่วงบุญตามากขึ้นไปอีก
Nitra (Bow Maylada) earns extra money by helping customers match fabric colors for clothing, creating a new trend. However, her secret is uncovered by Mae Faeng (Joy Rinlanee), who punishes her and forbids her from doing anything behind her back again. But someone like "Jeed Nitra" always finds a new way to make money.
Unfortunately, bad luck strikes again when someone attacks her, causing her to fall into the water and nearly drown. At that moment, Nitra has a vision of the past and discovers that Bunta did not commit suicide as everyone believed but was actually murdered. This revelation makes Khun Chai (Pon Nawasch) even more concerned about Bunta.
Nitra (Bow Maylada) ganha dinheiro extra ajudando os clientes a combinar cores de tecidos para roupas, criando assim uma nova tendência. No entanto, seu segredo é descoberto por Mãe Faeng (Joy Rinlanee), que a pune e proíbe de fazer qualquer coisa às escondidas novamente. Mas alguém como "Ji Nittra" sempre encontra uma nova maneira de ganhar dinheiro.
Porém, a má sorte a atinge novamente quando alguém a ataca, fazendo com que caia na água e quase morra. Nesse momento, Nitra tem uma visão do passado e descobre que Bunta não cometeu suicídio como todos pensavam, mas sim foi assassinada. Essa revelação faz com que Khun Chai (Pon Nawasch) se preocupe ainda mais com Bunta.