Timecodes: 0:00 - Feits' feminine shirt 6:55 - Girls hate this Influencer 19:40 - Feits is Gassy 21:01 - Barstool Moving back to Boston? 42:35 - KFC's kids went to a Yankees game 50:41 - Andrew Tate won't have much time left 58:47 - Guy With Crypto Hard drive 1:06:05 - Taylor Swift's Private Plane 1:16:09 - Deshaun Watson's suspension 1:19:04 - Pav's shocking admission 1:26:10 - Snake Bite Pill 1:28:04 - Nick's Comically Large Couch 1:34:37 - Video Voicemails 1:51:12 - Aubrey Plaza Interview