In Kent, Storme discovers that she's the sole heir to a dilapidated fairy-tale cottage with huge potential and surprise value. But will she turn it into her forever home, or sell her key to a fortune?
Sisters Debbie and Paulette discover that they're heirs to a semi-detached property in Herefordshire. But are they the sole beneficiaries to their late relative's sizable estate?
In Liverpool, Wayne discovers that he's one of the many beneficiaries to a house that's stuck in the 1980s. Can they give it a new lease of life? And will there be a windfall for everyone?
Janet inherits a beautiful property in Potters Bar worth £500k. But will her cousins agree on the all-important decision... to keep it in the family or sell their key to a fortune?
Robert discovers that he's the rightful heir to a London property, once home to a long-lost cousin. But will his plans be thwarted when possible new beneficiaries are discovered?