Kennedy kicks the night off talking about the Speaker of the House election. She goes over her dark horse picks. On Sunday Barrack Obama faced a suprisingly harsh interview from 60 minutes. KAYLEIGH McENANY, JIMMAY FAILLA, and BEN KISSEL are here to discuss. (Also they're the panel.) Afterwards they move on to talking about the oncoming Democratic debate. Who will come out on top? Amy Schumer recently did a skit on SNL that takes aim at American gun culture. Donald Trump has said sometimes he carries around a gun for personal protection. He also mentioned that a teacher with a gun could have stopped one of those school shootings. Sanders says - I'm no capitalist. I'm a social democat. BRIAN BRENBERG is here to talk. Scandinavia as a socialist utopia, the TPP, free trade, immigration, and the heart of capitalism. Our panel is back. Turns our 30 percent of vegetarians break down and eat meat when they get drunk. But only half of that 30 percent actually tell anyone. Actor Randy Quaid caught attempting to cross the border between Vermont and Canada. They fled California for our Canadian friends to the north after reportedly vandalizing a guest house. A new KIA commercial points out ridicouslyness of the every one is a winner culture. SNOOKI is in studio to talk about her new book "Strong is the New Sexy". Topics: Her memoir, having a baby, 4 kids, breast implants, exercise, and butts. Nightcap. Kennedy goes to Comicon!