Home / Series / Kennedy / Aired Order / Season 2015 / Episode 128


Kenndy Watch: GOP Battle - Round 2. The CNN moderator Jake Tapper wants everyone to fight this time around giving Trump a natural lead. Carly is on the main stage this time and she may be able to stifle Trump. Carson is gaining on Trump. In no small part due to the last debate. Are there any other dark horses likely to emerge from tomorrows debate? SHERROD SMALL, DAVE SMITH and SABRINA SCHAEFFER. Our panel moves onto the next topic - Hillary Clinton asked by interviewer if Bill Clinton could be the vice president. Judicial watch reports that as much as 5 non sequential months worth the emails are missing from Clinton's server. JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO is here to discuss. They also touch on the legality of a Bill Clinton VP pick. The panel returns to talk about Sarah Silverman's maybe kinda pro-pc comments. TOPICAL STORM Helen Mirren thinks it's sexist for men to have their arms draped around women when walking down the street. They quickly move on to talking about the 5 second rule and how untrue it is and who would win in a fight. Batman or Jason Bourne? (Matt Damon vs Ben Afflect) Carly Fiorina or Hillary Clinton? Whitey Bulger was a notorious criminal. So much so that TJ English wrote a book about him called "Where the Bodies Were Buried." He's in studio to talk Johnny Depp, his book, and the new movie based on Whitey Bulger's life. Nightcap: Bernie Sander's wishlist could add up to 18 trillion dollars.

  • Originally Aired September 15, 2015
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Created September 17, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 17, 2017 by
    Administrator admin