Kennedy kicks off the night pointing out the similarities of Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders. Horseshoe theory anyone? On tonight's pretty party panel we've got MICHAEL MOYNIHAN (woo), JOE DEVITO and JOANNE NOSUCHINSKY. It's a Red Eye night, folks. They continue to talk about the economic populism of Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders. Next up - Joe Biden 2016? He's polling well. Should we be expecting a hopefully gaffe riddled campaign? The AP has reported on a side deal in the Iran nuclear agreement regarding who will inspect Iran's potential nuclear sites. Guess who it is? (It's Iran. Iran investigates Iran.) BRIAN BRENBERG is here to talk about the economics of immigration. How much would Trump's proposed deportation of immigrants cost - Brian says hundreds of billions of dollars. Is this Hillary's worst week ever? Our panel talks it out. Afterwards the panel talks about what they'd do if they were king (or queen). Kasich wants to get rid of teachers lounges. That's his big if I was king wish. They move on to Philly's hilarious new anti-drug PSA that's just an old Saved by the Bell PSA with the police chiefs face pasted on Mr. Belding. Professional wrestler TYRUS is in studio. They cover Tyrus' time spent being a guard for Mike Tyson, politics, Bill o'Reilly, Donald Trump, and kids. ~^*~MAILBAG~*^~