Kennedy starts the night off talking about Carely Fiorna coming out ahead in her debate and the Chris Christie vs Rand Paul spat. (She wasn't happy with Rand Paul. Guess that explains her silence in the post debate live show.) Tongights panel: WILL RAHN, JEDIDIAH BILA, and BRIAN MORGANSTERN. They continue to discuss the debates. Lots of Fiorna & Rubio talk. Next up - Bernie Sanders attaches 28,000 vs Hillary's 5,000 in a recent political rally. Kennedy hits the street to play Real or Fake with some New Yorkers. Are these real presidential slogans? Our panel returns to discuss presidential slogans. BRIAN BRENBERG is in studio to talk about Hillary's 350 million dollar student loan plan. The panel is back to talk about a Michigan politician who faked an affair with a male prostitute to hide the fact that he was actually having a more vanilla affair with your average run of the mill women. Next up - Study comes out showing that American people would rather have nude pictures leaked than their finanical information. CEO of Seattle company "Gravity" DAN PRICE is defending his 70K min. wage for all of his employees. He also cut his wage to that amount. Nightcap: Kennedy loves UCLA, well.. she used to.