Kennedy does her monologue on the 10 dollar bill and efforts to replace Alexander Hamilton. MELISSA FRANCIS, SHERROD SMALL, amd SAM MORRIL are tonight's panel. They continue talking about the 10 dollar bill. Next - Judd Apatow attacks the Koch Brothers and rich people in general. The panel returns to talk about Rachel Dolezal and her comments about white people not being allowed to comment on race issues. Hacker GREGORY EVANS stops by to talk about how vulnerable your phone could be. The panel is back to talk about drones delivering stuff. All kinds of stuff. Next - 49ers get breaks to tweet. GPS tracking for convicts. Former pilot for Obama ANDY DANZIGER is in studio to talk about Rand Paul's talk about allowing pilots to arm themselves if they'd like.. also aliens. This guy says he's seen them. Time for a mailbag. Kennedy is called great, self important, beautiful, and the worst.