The new-generation mobile phone "Gene" has exploded in popularity immediately after its release, with "Everyone Connected" as a catch phrase. While feeling a disturbing atmosphere in Magira's plan, Keita and other anchor camps were cautiously listening to the situation. Meanwhile, an incident occurred in which Seven and Third received a large amount of emails at the same time and the system went down.
「みんなつながる」をキャッチコピーに掲げ、発売直後から爆発的な普及を遂げた新世代ケータイ “ジーン”。間明の企みに不穏な空気を感じながらも、ケイタらアンカー陣営は慎重に事態を伺っていた。そんな中、セブンとサードが同時に大量のメールを受信してシステムダウンする事件が起こって…。