Superintendent Kobayakawa Fuyuhiko is a naive career police officer who cannot read situations. He is transferred from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's National Research Institute of Police Science to the newly established "anything" consultation office of Suginami Chuo Police Precinct's Community Safety Division as a result of some incident. This consultation office passes off for a new initiative to react quickly to the feedback of the public. But in reality, it is a garbage dump for people who have caused trouble and been discarded. The members of the precinct mock it as the "Zero Section". Kobayakawa's buddy is the strong-minded, foulmouthed veteran detective Terada Torami. The two of them who do not get along and the very individualistic members of the section solve difficult cases dashingly.
- Keishichou Zero-gakari ~ Seikatsu Anzenka Nandemo Soudanshitsu
- Keishichou Zero Gakari
- Keishicho Zero-Gakari
『警視庁ゼロ係〜生活安全課なんでも相談室〜』(けいしちょうゼロがかり せいかつあんぜんかなんでもそうだんしつ)は、2016年からテレビ東京系「金曜8時のドラマ」枠で放送されている日本の刑事ドラマシリーズ。原作は富樫倫太郎の「生活安全課0係」シリーズ。主演は小泉孝太郎。
警視廳杉並中央署生活安全科的萬能諮詢室是專門容納引起各種麻煩的人才的地方。零在加減乘除後依然是零,也就是說無能之人注定就是無能,因此才用「零系」來命名並調侃署員。 這裡專門處理各種瑣碎的麻煩事,傾聽市民的報怨。不過,就在這樣的零系,警視廳科研搜出身、對世事一無所知的「終極KY」刑警小早川冬彥,與有能力但因問題多多被踢出刑事科的女刑警寺田寅三組成了搭檔。水火不容的二人與零系的各位「廢柴」同事們挑戰各種各樣的麻煩事。
눈치 없고 분위기 파악 못 하는 괴짜 형사와 강렬한 카리스마를 지닌 베테랑 여형사 그리고 생활안전과 부서의 개성 넘치는 멤버들이 다양한 사건을 해결해가는 과정을 그린 드라마