Yoshimoto Kouya (Sakurai Sho), drive a car on the mountain road in the middle of night. On the passenger seat, the anxiety of Numata Shinichi (Kamiki Ryunosuke) raised. The tutor who claim as Yoshimoto, was actually a different person from the person that was reflected on the Tokyo University's yearbook. "I will tell you a part of my story....", said Yoshimoto to Shinichi, and they head into a certain hospital.There is a plate with "Yoshimoto Kouya" name on the hospital room they visit. Yoshimoto Kouya's name belong to a patient who supported by a life-support device, and the patient is his brother. He told a hidden fact. Although it's hard for Shinichi to believe on the first time, it's hard to think that it's a lie as well. In the end, he ask, "Then, what is your real name?". Yoshimoto answer "......Yudai**". Then Shinichi tell this story only to Shigeyuki