After being shortly delayed by Ayano's surprise attack, Kazuma, together with Ayano and Ren, faces off against Misao, who is still powerless against him. Michael Harley informs Misao that she will never be able to defeat Kazuma, and subsequently uses Misao's body and her accumulated life energy to create a dragon. Ayano, Ren and Kazuma must destroy the dragon while not harming Misao.
Luego de un poco de retraso por el ataque sorpresa de Ayano, Kazuma, junto con Ayano y Ren, se enfrenta a Misao, quien aún no tiene poder contra él. Michael Harley informa a Misao que nunca podrá derrotar a Kazuma, y posteriormente utiliza el cuerpo de Misao y su energía vital acumulada para crear un dragón. Ayano, Ren y Kazuma deben destruir al dragón sin dañar a Misao.