Byakuran calls Irie and tells him that Mukuro has been defeated and that he was found to be transmitting data, possibly to the Vongola Tenth. Byakuran tells Irie that he is the most important person in that base and must escape if they invade the base. Irie for some hidden reason, can't leave. Irie calls all the Milliefore Japan members in the base and tells them he shall leading the base now. The members are outraged and prepare to attack Irie until a swordsman by the name of Genkishi tells them anyone who opposes master Irie will be killed. Irie becomes the boss of the base. Afterwards the Vongola have received the data transmitted by Mukuro. In it was the picture of the white box Tsuna saw in his dreams. Training is resumed and Reborn gives Yamamoto a box about the sword emperor.
Après avoir reçu des informations du QG italien des Millefiore, Irie Shoichi se prépare à être attaqué par les Vongola et prend ainsi des mesures. Pendant ce temps, ces derniers ont reçu de la part de Mukuro les plans de la base de la branche japonaise des Millefiore, la base Merone.
Irie chiama Byakuran, che gli dice di aver sconfitto Mukuro e di aver interrotto l'invio di dati verso i Vongola. Inoltre gli spiega che secondo lui i Vongola stanno preparando un attacco verso la loro base in Giappone.
Irie se logra comunicar con Byacuran este le dice que probablemente los Vongola ataquen su base.