Yuni explains that like the Mare ring's ability to allow its user to travel through parallel worlds, the Vongola rings allow the past generation to communicate with their current successors. Vongola Primo converses with Tsuna, revealing the rings had a seal on them, allowing them to be split in half for the Vongola Tournament and their current forms only possess powers equal to the Mare ring. Primo releases the seal causing the Vongola Rings to change forms and disappears. Tsuna continues his battle with Byakuran, overwhelming him completely. As Yuni nearly completes the rite, Gamma manages to infiltrate the barrier and embraces her; exclaiming he will die with her. As the rite completes, their bodies disappear leaving behind the Arcobaleno pacifiers. Tsuna and Byakuran's battle climax with Byakuran perishing from Tsuna's X-Burner.
Byakuran découvre qu'Uni compte se sacrifier pour ressusciter les Arcobaleno à partir de leurs tétines. Uni va alors expliquer la différence entre les éléments constitutifs du 7³ et leur vraie nature.
Vongola Primo spiega a Tsuna che quando gli anelli dei Vongola sono stati divisi in due il loro potere è stato ridotto e consegna a lui e i guardiani il potere completo degli anelli.
白兰对于彭哥列一世的突然现身感到惊讶。即使白兰拥有平行世界的知识,这个现象也超乎他的预料。优尼为大家解释了彭哥列一世出现的原因,原来这与Tre ne sette各自的存在方式有关。接着彭哥列一世表示,要协助解开阿纲等人的「枷锁」,这个「枷锁」似乎与彭哥列戒指的构造有关,不过在枷锁解除之后,阿纲等人是否能够提升实力?
La voluntad de Vongola Primo, Giotto, aparece en su forma física para liberar el poder de los Anillos Vongola de la Décima Generación. Sin embargo, Tsuna aún no puede derrotar a Byakuran, lo cual orilla a Uni a sacrificarse. Los demás logran abrir una grieta en el campo de fuerza de la batalla.