Takeshi Hongo is a man of extraordinary intellect, but his promising future is about to be maliciously snuffed out by and evil secret society known as Shocker. Reinvented against his will and transformed into a powerful experimental cyborg, Hongo will forever be known as Kamen Rider The First.
《假面騎士 THE FIRST》是《假面騎士》誕生35周年紀念作。作品回歸原點,以1971年首部《假面騎士》的故事為藍本展開,講述了本鄉猛與一文字隼人對抗修卡組織的故事。作品展現給觀眾一種寫實的風格,是一部具有現代風格、成人向的特攝作品。