While in cloud nine, Sora goes through her schedule as the leading role, including photo shoots, practices, etc. Via video-tape, Sora looks to mimic Layla's previous performance. After some performances, audience opinions on the Little Mermaid have been lackluster, and attendance decreases. Fearing poor reviews, this prompted Sora to study her role and experiment in order to "make the performance her own" by incorporating her personality. After upsetting the stage crew over changes, she figures out the role of a mermaid and shares her ideas. With some script adjustments, the production crew finally pleases the audience.
¡Sora finalmente consiguió la parte que podría hacer que sus sueños más salvajes se hicieran realidad, pero si no puede encontrar la manera de darle una nueva vida al papel de una sirena con el corazón roto, sus días como una mujer líder serán contados!