Τρία παντρεμένα ζευγάρια: Ο Ανδρέας, ο επονομαζόμενος "Ακάλυπτος" λόγω των ακάλυπτων επιταγών του, είναι ο γυναικάς, ο ωραίος, ο γλεντζές που πνίγεται από τα χρέη και απατά συνεχώς τη σύζυγό του, Αλίκη. Ο φίλος του, ο Μάκης, είναι οδοντίατρος, παντρεμένος με τη Ρένα και έχει μια κόρη. Τη μονότονη ζωή του αναστατώνει ο έρωτάς του για μια νεαρή χορεύτρια. Το τρίτο ζευγάρι είναι ο Ρένος και η Μπέτι. Εκείνη έχει μια μπουτίκ στο Κολωνάκι, εκείνος προσπαθεί να γράψει ένα μυθιστόρημα που δεν τελειώνει ποτέ...
This is one of the best comedy series in recent TV history, capable of having the viewer laugh out loud repeatedly in each episode.
The strength of the series is the dialogue between Andreas and Makis, and the interaction between these two main characters in general. Aging upper-middle class urbanites always in search of a good pull, they never fail to take advantage of whatever mess or problem they put themselves into, making lemonade out of life's lemons. Andreas in particular is completely self-absorbed and incapable of feeling guilt or remorse; in this sense, he is a likable sociopath that makes us laugh with his schemes and their results, however horrific those results may be (example: he offers his step-father in law, an ancient, wealthy, newly- wed Greek-American, Viagra and then simply tries to talk, smile, and charm his way out of the consequences when the old man has a stroke...).
The bartender is the best supporting character, always ready to offer a ridiculous tall tale of one of his exploits in exotic lands, where invariably all the women are in love with him.
Like many well-written series, there are story arcs here, and they keep the viewers interested as situations and locations change gradually over several episodes. A personal favourite is the story arc involving Andreas fleeing from his creditors and Makis fleeing from his pregnant mistress. A monastery is the last place one would expect to find these two, and the ludicrous setting makes these episodes all the more entertaining.