Yolları yurt dışında kesişen ve Manisa'ya ulaşan Kerem ve Sevda'nın tutkulu aşk hikayesi. Olaylar, Karam'ın Safda'nın başına gelen haksızlığa karşı çıktığı için hapse girmesiyle başlayacak. Meydanın aşk ilgisi aileleri arasında çatışmalara yol açar.
Kerem is a successful businessman and the heir to a prestigious wine-making family. Whilst on a trip to his family’s vineyard in Montenegro he meets Sevda, a law student traveling through Montenegro as part of an Erasmus program. There is an immediate spark and after a dreamlike day spent together in Montenegro, they agree to meet in the same place exactly one year later.
But fate intervenes, and they are reunited unexpectedly, not in the vineyards of Montenegro, but in Istanbul. Whilst helping her mother at work as a maid in the home of a prestigious family, Sevda is shocked to discover that she is working for Kerem. Although Kerem is surprised to see Sevda coming from such humble origins, his feelings for her are undeniable. Unfortunately, Kerems family does not agree with his judgement, resulting in conflict as great as his love. However, this couple will do anything to overcome their struggles and class differences - anything to live their love without limits.
A série contará a impressionante história de amor de Kerem e Sevda, cujos caminhos se cruzam no exterior e chegam até Manisa. Os acontecimentos da série começarão com Kerem indo para a prisão por se opor à injustiça cometida a Sevda. O amor entre Kerem e Sevda, repleto de coincidências, resultará em conflitos entre suas famílias.
- Laços do Destino
- Kader baglari
- Bonds of destiny
قصة حب شغوفة ومجنونة بين شابين التقيا في كروم العنب حيث تتقاطع طرقهما ، تروي قصة حب وصراع سيفدا و كرم ، شخصان من عالمين مختلفين