Ausgerechnet jetzt! Ausgerechnet jetzt ist Yui krank geworden! Dabei hat die Band doch bald ihren großen Auftritt auf dem Schulfest. Wird Yui rechtzeitig gesund oder muss Azusa für sie einspringen?
Yui is still sick from her cold, which is possibly attributed to her wearing a short yukata for too long. As the band tries to make do with Azusa as lead guitarist, Yui supposedly shows up over with her cold. However, her playing is too perfect and a slip of the tongue reveals that she is actually Ui, who had managed to play after a few days practice. Yui appears, but is still in no condition to play, so Mio suggests that she stay home until the day of the live performance. Yui eventually makes it in time, but forgets her guitar at home, so Sawako fills in for her while she goes to get it. Yui returns in time for the second song and the performance goes well, and the band even does an encore.
だが、 学園祭を直前にして唯が風邪をひいてしまう。
心配する軽音部のメンバー。 憂も懸命に看病するが、 なかなか熱が下がらない。
Faltan un par de días para el concierto de fin de curso y… ¡Yui está muy enferma! Tiene fiebre muy alta… Si no se cura, deberán tocar sin ella.
위기를 넘긴 경음악부. 하지만 학원제 직전 유이가 감기에 걸려 버린다. 걱정하는 경음악부 멤버들과 열심히 간병하는 동생 우이. 그러나 좀처럼 열이 내리지 않는다. 학원제까지 앞으로 5일이 남은 상태인데…
La guitare de Yui étant comme neuve, les répétitions vont pouvoir commencer ! Mais par malheur, Yui attrape un rhume à quelques jours seulement du concert... Malgré les soins quotidiens d’Ui, la fièvre ne semble pas vouloir tomber. Les autres membres du club s’inquiètent pour Yui, mais aussi pour le festival. Il ne reste plus que cinq jours avant le jour J...