Endlich hat der Popmusikklub ein neues Mitglied bekommen. Die Gitarristin Azusa Nanako bereut aber schon bald, in diesen Klub eingetreten zu sein. Ihre Bandkolleginnen machen nämlich nur Unsinn und schlürfen Tee...
Azusa officially joins the club, although is shocked to find everyone drinking tea and eating cake instead of practicing. She yells at them when Sawako tells her off for actually practicing, but Yui manages to calm her down. Despite her objections, Azusa finds herself weak against Tsumugi's tea and cakes. Yui herself is rather shocked at how much better Azusa is at guitar than she is. Sawako brings a pair of cat ears for Azusa to wear, leading Yui to give her the name 'Azu-nyan'. Noticing she is a bit upset, Mio encourages the band to practice more, but the group quickly reverts to its lazy state. Azusa becomes really upset since she cannot understand why the band members she admired at the live performance behaves like they do. Mio explains to her that she stayed with the band because it is fun to play with the others, and Azusa decides to stay as well.
新入生歓迎会でのライブを追え、 遂に軽音部に入部希望者がやってきた。
「ギターを少し」 という新入生・中野梓。
歓迎する4人。 梓に先輩と呼ばれ、 唯は早くも浮かれモード。
しかし、 とりあえず何か弾いてみてといわれた梓の演奏を聞くと…。
La nueva, al igual que tod@s l@s espectadores/as, se da cuenta que eso es todo menos un club de música, ¡no ensayan! Solo comen pasteles y beben té… Ella quiere ensayar y eso no lo encuentra en este grupo, ¿qué ocurrirá
신입생 환영회에서의 연주 덕에 결국 경음악부에도 가입 희망자가 왔다. 기타를 조금 친다고 하는 신입생 나카노 환영하는 4명. 나카노에게 선배로 불리게 된 유이는 이미 들떠있는 상태이다. 우선 아무거나 연주해 보라고 하자 나카노는 연주를 하기 시작하는데...
Suite à la performance des quatre filles sur scène lors de la cérémonie d’entrée au lycée, une nouvelle recrue fait son apparition : Azusa Nakano, qui sait « un peu » jouer de la guitare. Yui s’attache immédiatement à cette jeune fille, menue et mignonne. Au beau milieu d’une pause thé, ne sachant que faire, Azusa empoigne sa guitare, et commence à jouer devant les autres membres, ainsi que mademoiselle Sawako...