The show stars Jin Chao-chun as the legendary Song dynasty official Bao Zheng. It was hugely popular in many countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
The series was originally planned to have just 15 episodes. However, the show had high ratings when the initial episodes aired. Due to its popularity, CTS extended the show to 236 episodes.
The rival TVB and ATV Home networks in Hong Kong both bought the series in an attempt to gain viewers. Competition between the two networks during the series’ run was so intense that identical episodes were shown on both channels on the same night. It was also one of the first dramas that used NICAM technology (Dual Sound Switch Cantonese/Mandarin).
《포청천》(包青天)은 중화민국의 기업인 개전전파고분유한공사가 중국 송나라 때의 명판관인 포증을 소재로 제작한 텔레비전 드라마이다. 대한민국에서는 KBS 2TV를 통해 1994년 10월 14일부터 1996년 10월 11일까지 《판관 포청천》이라는 명칭으로 매주 금요일 밤에 방영하였으며, 2000년대 초반에는 iTV에서도 《판관 포청천》을 다시 방영하였다.