Home / Series / Junior High / Aired Order / Season 5 / Episode 28


Alexis dumps Korky after he tries to make all the lost dates up to her. Billy sees his old bully Rodger and Charlotte once again butts in after she feels he's getting mocked again. Billy yells at Charlotte and wants to her stay out for good. At the prodding of Blayke, Gaby and Rosemary bond outside of school and try to do the same with there parents who are more interested in eachother. Beth, Teresa and Cicely lose Cicely's dog they bought at the pound; Gretchen apologizes to Anna to no avail; Sarah is told off by Kalyopie after she ruins a night out with Rich; Jared, Brody and Mandy are upset when they lose a 3 word story they wrote in English class that had teachers names in it (Ella finds it and laughs it off only criticizing their grammare usage).

  • Originally Aired May 4, 2003
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Production Code 528
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Nicki Guest Star
Tom A. Guest Star
Sandra B. Guest Star