Two friends host auditions for their club whilst being under the influence of marijuana.
A member of the "Juicy Dirt" club gets murdered and Dominic and Shane hunt down a suspect.
Joey steals a pack of M&M's which causes a personality of Dominic to hunt the club members down
Shane breaks a treadmill causing the gym to explode, which leads to Dominic having to pay one million dollars.
Dominic seeks the help of Shane to track down the ancient Wazowski.
The gang follow a tip of where they could find diamonds which lead them to get trapped in a bus.
When the gang try's to throw a party for the clubs anniversary, Dominic ends up getting struck by lightning.
Dominic vlogs the gang doing a 24 hour challenge inside of Target.
The fourth wall is broken as Dominic try's to get Shane to film an adult movie.
Joey has gone missing so the gang go looking for him yet to be sidetracked by their other long lost friend.
As Dominic and Shane play monopoly, Joey has a little adventure.
Joey awakens to the apocalypse and the gang is hunted by the clowns, in the season one finale.
In the season two premiere Shane and Dominic hold more auditions.
Dominic try's to get Shane and Isaac, especially Shane to do the mandatory juicy jog.
There is a bounty and Dominic is gonna collect on it with the help from some friends.