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Season 1

  • S01E01 Earth bombs the Moon

    • October 4, 2009
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    In a galaxy far far away... on October 9th, 2009, the Earth carried out its first attack on a neighbouring celestial body by bombing its trusty moon with a missile/rocket/thing, in the name of SCIENCE! Is this a worthy attempt to aid humanity with its energy crisis; or the hallmarks of an aggressive space-faring civilisation in the making? (or an NWO/NASA/Roswell/Bildeberg/Illuminati conspiracy?) Explore the issues with Juice Media's ~RAP-NEWS.

  • S01E02 Barack Obama wins the Nobel War-is-Peace Prize

    • October 11, 2009
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    Back by popular demand, Robert Foster turns his attention to the soaring Orwellian rhetoric hailing from Oslo, where Barack Obama is currently receiving the prestigious Nobel War-is-Peace prize. This second episode of Rap News covers the fallout from the now infamous NASA Moon Bomb on October 9th, the very same day on which the Nobel Committee awarded US President Barack Obama the 2009 'War is Peace' Prize. Is it justified? Is it premature or plain immature? And what will the Moon say?! Was this a prize for peace-making or for making war look like peace, something Bush was not able to do? And why do we even care what these Norwegian guys do. All this, and more, in this latest report with Robert Foster on ~JuiceMedia's Rap News.

  • S01E03 Climate Change: Lord Monckton rap-battles Al Gore

    • November 17, 2009
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    Al Gore finally accepts Lord Monckton's challenge to a highly uncivilized debate over the issue of anthropogenic climate change, as we count down to the Copenhagen Climate Conference - aka COP15 - in a special extended edition of ~RapNews, . Is it all just a lie spread by the NWO so that Obama can sign a treaty to cede US sovereignty and usher in a one-world government to Cap-&-Trade tax innocent carbon emitters and SUV drivers like you and me? Or are we truly fucked, as the latest science seems to suggest, and feedback loops will bring about environmental, social and economic meltdown and collapse before the next season of Sex and the City? Explore these issues, and more, with your charming host - Robert Foster.

  • S01E04 WWWAR on the Internet

    • July 3, 2010
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    We resume our lyrical forays into the world of rhyme and reason, exploring the importance of the Internets. Robert Foster casts a critical rhyme over Senator Joe (Lie)berman's proposed bill to shut down the world-wide-web in case of [quotation mark] an emergency [/quotation mark]. But - most importantly - we discuss something else which has been leaking even more profusely than a BP oil well. An organisation of ultra-inspiring infectively-courageous cybernauts - aka Wikileaks - has been taking on the Fistagon and giving that slumbering Fourth Estate a much-needed kick in the arse, reminding us how important the internet is as a tool for open information and for holding corrupt government to account. What is Wikileaks? Who is Julian Assange? And why is it so important that we know what's happening right now? Find out with your charming host, Robert Foster.

  • S01E05 The War on Journalism

    • October 27, 2010
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    Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400,000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense, Donald Rumsfeld. But what starts out as a conventional Rap News interview soon descends into mayhem as the live feed is hijacked by News World Order, eager to spin the record like a disc jockey on crack. Enter Bill O'Really, the champion of Fair & Balanced journalism, dragging us screaming into the No Spine Zone. Only divine intervention can save us now, from a fate worse than death. But beware of imitators; not all is what it seems to be! Join us for a rollercoaster episode of Rap News, featuring a very very special guest appearance.

  • S01E06 WikiLeaks: the truth is out there

    • December 17, 2010
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    Cablegate has burst open. With a steady trickle of Diplomatic communiques leaking out every single day, the Book of Revelations is expanding dramatically. In all the hubbub, the global community is forced to ask questions of its leaders. Will the world ever be the same again? Join your affable host Robert Foster, as he executes a rhyme inquisition on some of the key players in the Wiki-saga. It's diplomatic Rhym-aggedon...

  • S01E07 #Revolution spreads to America

    • March 24, 2011
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    It's 2011 and amid a flurry of political leaks and revelations, revolutions have rolled across North Africa and The Middle East. Join your host Robert Foster for long overdue analysis of these events, asking the question that's on everyone's lips -- where will revolution spark next? But when a news flash comes in from a special embedded correspondent, the episode takes an unprecedented turn, as that very question is answered in dramatic fashion. How will the world treat the latest courageous country to throw off the yoke of oppression? Is any cow sacred in this time of massive upheaval? Can there be any doubt that History Is Happening?

  • S01E08 Osamacide!

    • May 18, 2011
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    A Rap News summary of the last week's remarkable events. The decade which opened with a ferocious attack upon the United States of America on September 11, 2001, closes with the announcement of the death of its greatest and most conveniently disney-like villain, Osama Bin Laden. In a decade which has been dominated by the Empire Strikes Back, our affable and dextrous host Robert Foster invites us to scrutinise the events shrouding the killing of this twentyfirst-century Goldstein. Joining him in this May retrospective are Rap News regulars, General Baxter, the Pentagon's most effusive spokesperson, attempting uncharacteristically to stay 'on message', and his counterpart from the world of alternative academia, the conspiracy industry's favourite son, Terrence Moonseed. What actually happened in Abbotabad? Do the public have a right to see evidence of this event? What is Terrence wearing on his head? Was justice really served? What next? History is happening.

  • S01E09 The Economy

    • September 28, 2011
    • YouTube

    "The economy" threatens to annihilate our stock-piles of imaginary, inflated wealth, spawning a battle of epic proportions as insurgent grassroots forces move in to #OccupywallStreet and coalitions of indignados hold their ground in Athens, Madrid and Tel Aviv; facing up to the riotgear, batons and tazers that stand between them and a more equal redistribution of the proverbial pie. ...But enough action and excitement! It's time for some heroic armchair philosophy: Join your affable host, Robert Foster as he attempts to shine some light on this mysterious creature, "the economy". Is this the failure of capitalism that we are witnessing, or its triumph? Is it the end of the end of history, or yet another crazy chapter in the whimsical journey of the human experiment?

  • S01E10 2012

    • December 21, 2011
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    The year we've all been waiting for - 2012AD (or, if you ask a Mayan) - is finally here. What will happen? Will we see the poles shift or a paradigm shift? Will a rogue Sumerian planet smash into our solar system, plunging us into serfdom under the iron fist of a race of gold-hungry aliens? Or are the aliens already here? Or are all these merely humanity's collective projections of itself as it careens towards an ever-accelerating super-connected cyber-reality - whatever that means... One thing's sure, if 2011 was a prelude of things to come, 2012 is going to be one hell of a year. Now that it has arrived, are we ready? Join your host Robert Foster and his guests, Terrence Moonseed and General Baxter, as they conduct an in-depth rap analysis into the future, and humanity's place in it. Happy New YERA!

Season 2

  • S02E01 Australia Day

    • January 23, 2012
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    Australia Day. wtf is all the fuss about? Join your amiable host Robert Foster as he interviews multi-Logie award-winning broadcaster, emu-wrangler and true-blue Aussie, Kenneth Oathcarn.

  • S02E02 Yes We KONY

    • March 12, 2012
    • YouTube

    Before Gangnam Style there was Kony - 2012's first globe-consuming meme, which has highlighted the plight of African child soldiering like never before. But is it really good? Is it really bad? Or is the world really more complex than 'good guys' and 'bad guys'? Whatevers

  • S02E03 A News Hope

    • May 30, 2012
    • YouTube

    Juice Rap News presents the new bulletin of "news show for the internet nation". Robert Foster talks about rebel journalists who dare to challenge the establishment's grip on information. No reliable media at a time of corporate wars. The people of Earth are misinformed as "speakers of truth are censored and imprisoned".

  • S02E04 Higgs Boson Unbound

    • July 9, 2012
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    Our Promethean quest for ultimate meaning has taken a giant leap towards its epic conclusion. In the latest prequel to humanity's journey to inner-space, scientists at the CERN laboratory announce that they have unlocked one of the key strands in the origin of Life, The Universe and Everything: 42 years on from its coining, the Higgs Boson particle has possibly been detected at the Large Hadron Collider. What does it all mean? How does it feel to meet our Masster? What is our destiny? Could this be the font of all wisdom? Does it anti-matter that Scientists make use of 'Comic Sans' - the font of all evil? Is anyone conCERNed about the MASS amount of Higgslarious Pun-upmanship Colliding in the twittersphere? Join Robert Foster as he takes a journalistic journey into this particular world, and manages to corner a colourful character, CERN-FI Professor Scott Ridley, who is several bottles into getting his Booze-on at the massive "Hadron Collider Higgs Boson PARTYcle" celebration.

  • S02E05 Big Brother is WWWatching You

    • September 5, 2012
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    The Internet. Will it remain the one open frequency where humanity can bypass filters and barriers, or become the greatest spying machine ever imagined? The future is being coded as we type. Across Oceania, States have been erecting and installing measures to legalise the watching, tracking and storage of data of party-members and proles alike. If such plans materialize, will this place ever be the same? Join our plucky host Robert Foster as he conducts an incisive analysis of the situation at hand. Joining him are newly appointed Thought Police General at the Pentopticon, Darth O'Brien Baxter, and a surprisingly lucid Terence Winston Moonseed. Once again, in the midst of this Grand Human Experiment, we ask tough questions about our future. Will it involve a free internet which will continue to revolutionise the way the world communicates with itself? Or is our picture of the future a Boot stamping on this Human InterFace forever?

  • S02E06 I have a Drone

    • October 15, 2012
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  • S02E07 The War on Terra

    • January 30, 2013
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    It's 2013 and the world did not end by meteorite or by Mayan calendar. But fear not: we might just be able to get the job done ourselves. Join Robert Foster as he sets out to discover where Civilisation™ is making the fastest progress towards annihilation. In this edition of the Civilisation Report, Robert learns about Australia and Canada - two oft-neglected pioneers of peace, progress and prosperity - in conversation with our antipodean colonial correspondent Ken Oathcarn and his Canuck counterpart, Fagin Heighbard. Dear viewers, consider this a fair warning that in terms of language and affront to the dominant culture this could get fucking messy.

  • S02E08 The Great Gun Debate

    • February 7, 2013
    • YouTube

    Do guns really prevent tyranny? Is tyranny already here? Welcome, Minutemen, to Rap News 18, where we take a few minutes to explore one of the great debates taking place in the Divided States of America. It seems that no matter how high the body count on the latest attempt at topping the civilian shoot'em-up high-score table, this perennial debate shows no sign of abating, having morphed into a vigorous exegisis of the 2nd Command...err.... Amendment, as Americans seek to make sense of the original intentions of the great con-Founding Fathers. Persuasive arguments have been levied from both sides; and yet both have failed to convince the other. Is this the quintessential impasse? Join Robert Foster as he sets out to squeeze the juice from this most explosive of current debates - featuring our two special regular guests: that son of a gun Terence Moonseed, and the big gun General Baxter.

  • S02E09 Whistleblower

    • June 15, 2013
    • YouTube

    A Rap News summary of the past week's remarkable series of events. It started off as a slow news day, and a routine update on the state of the Free World Order with NSA Director General Baxter. But then the news broke of startling revelations from the fearless paladin of adversarial journalism, guardian of civil liberties, journalist Glen Greenwald, concerning a shadowy spying program called PRISM. Who is behind these revelations, and how should we view them? How will the Authorities, and the Corporations implicated, respond? Join Robert Foster for a whirlwind summary of the events in this ongoing saga... in Rap News 19

  • S02E10 Aussie Election: A Game of Polls

    • August 25, 2013
    • YouTube

Season 3

Season 4

  • S04E01 EuroDiVision

    • April 12, 2015
    • YouTube

    We've all heard of EuroVision. But there's another song that’s being sung across Europe - the peoples' chants of protest against Europe's austerity measures. First we'll hear some of the leading and loudest voices in this competition such as Greece, Spain and Ireland, who are fighting back against austerity with people power. Then we'll turn to the contest's illustrious judges: Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, Slovenian philosopher-rockstar Slavoj Žižek, and IMF dminatrix, err... director, Christine Lagarde. Join Robert Foster as he examines the Eurozone crisis and the causes behind it: Is it all economics and budgets? Is this ideological class war? What are the solutions? And what on earth is Australia doing competing in this EuroZone song contest? All these questions and more will be tackled as we dive into this most bizarre of modern European traditions. Welcome to the EURODIVISION CONTEST.

  • S04E02 MSMBS News: Black Lives Matter?

    • May 23, 2015
    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Rap News Call Out: The Great Barrier Reef

    • June 14, 2015
    • YouTube

  • S04E03 Dope Francis Raps the 10 Climate Commandments

    • June 26, 2015
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    • July 25, 2015
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    • September 27, 2015
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Additional Specials