Wohl oder übel muss Amy sich damit abfinden, dass David nach Houston gegangen ist. Ein Diebstahl-Fall fordert jedoch ihre gesamte Aufmerksamkeit: Sie soll entscheiden, ob die elfjährige Lucy wegen Diebstahls eines Lippenstifts angeklagt wird. Vertreten wird Lucy von der Staranwältin Andrea Adelstein, da Lucys Mutter die Kinderfrau von Andreas Tochter Jessica ist. Während der Verhandlung stellt sich schließlich heraus, dass es nur zu dem Vorfall gekommen ist, weil beide Mütter zu wenig Zeit für ihre Töchter haben. Deshalb knüpft Amy die Abweisung der Klage an eine Bedingung.
Amy is dismayed when the courthouse cleaning lady tries to fix her up with her son amid gossip about David's departure; Lauren pesters Amy to send her to rock star camp; political posturing makes life at D.C.F. more miserable than usual until Maxine comes up with an inspired solution to the problem and is able to reunite a mother with her sons; when Amy presides over a shoplifting case, she discovers that the case is rooted in the neglect of two children -- the plaintiff and the daughter of the plaintiff's famous defense attorney; David sends Amy a postcard from Houston; Kyle quits his job to reassess his future after he discovers that his father died never having pursued his true passion in life; Maxine has a little tiff with Ignacio over his qualms about Courtney's dating Sean because of their cultural differences, and Amy is surprised when Bruce agrees with Ignacio; Maxine grieves the loss of her brother, and is especially saddened when her sister-in-law asks that she not attend th
En rutinesag, hvor en skolepige står anklaget for butikstyveri, kompliceres af, at den anklagedes advokat er en berømthed, og sætter dermed Amy under pres. Da sagen efterhånden, som den optrævles, endvidere afslører en kæde af omsorgssvigt, og alt tyder på, at den celebre advokat selv er indblandet, kompliceres det hele yderligere. I mellemtiden tvinger en nul-tolerance-politik Maxine til at tvangsfjerne to børn fra deres mor, fordi hun har givet børnene smæk, og Kyle tager sit liv op til revision, efter hans far dør, og det kommer frem, at faderen havde en hemmelig drøm, som han aldrig fik ført ud i livet.