The film-maker and photographer follows the wildlife and people of Exmoor National Park through all four seasons, beginning with spring. Johnny sets out in search of a herd of male red deer, meets an old friend who has had an idea about how to to film badgers underground, and heads over to Brayford, where he grew up, to open the village spring fair. Johnny then has to leave Exmoor in search of the very rare sight of adders mating and is thrilled when he gets closer to them than he has ever been before.
Summer arrives and Johnny sets out to film red deer calves being born, before he meets up with old friend Bob Sampson to show him his shots of badgers feeding outside in daylight. He then visits the Exford Pony Show, helps judge a competition to design an Exmoor flag to mark the national park's 60th anniversary and heads to a derelict barn where he has been told a family of barn owls is living.
Johnny Kingdom watches the wildlife and meets the people of his native Exmoor through the seasons of the year. The third programme sees the arrival of Johnny's favourite time of year - autumn, the mating season for red deer. Johnny is determined to record as much as he can and begins by filming a magnificent stag with a herd of females on his friend Colin's farm. In Minehead, he helps judge the Exmoor Flag Competition, launched to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the National Park. And, as autumn draws to a close, he joins farmer Rex Milton for the annual pony round-up. They check the herd's condition and take some of the young animals off the moor. Later, they will be sold to raise money for the care of the herd and to keep numbers to a manageable level.
Winter has arrived on Exmoor and Johnny Kingdom searches for salmon and wild boar to film and also visits South Molton Fatstock Market, where he helps out as a shire horse is fitted with new shoes. As the weather worsens and snow falls, Johnny heads for the moors and encounters hardy Highland cattle and a herd of ponies scraping at the ground for food.