Yan Lu was being hunted, and in order to save himself, he grabbed Jian An, the young master adopted by the Jian family. After escaping, Jian An wanted revenge on Yan Lu and kidnapped him the next day. Jian An became interested in Yan Lu and asked Yan Lu to be his bodyguard. Yan Lu was forced to agree.
Jian An uses various methods to "torture" Yan Lu every day. One day, the two of them were fighting, and their clothes got wet. When Yan Lu changed his clothes, the birthmark on his lower back was revealed. The hidden mystery of his life experience was revealed, and the conspiracy began to brew quietly.
Jian An accidentally loses his memory and relies deeply on Yan Lu, who had always protected him. The two secretly fall in love...
Yan Lu estava sendo caçado e, para se salvar, ele agarrou Jian An, o jovem mestre adotado pela família Jian. Depois de escapar, Jian An quis se vingar de Yan Lu e o sequestrou no dia seguinte. Jian An se interessou por Yan Lu e pediu que Yan Lu fosse seu guarda-costas. Yan Lu foi forçado a concordar.
Jian An usa vários métodos para "torturar" Yan Lu todos os dias. Um dia, os dois estavam brigando e suas roupas ficaram molhadas. Quando Yan Lu trocou de roupa, a marca de nascença na parte inferior das costas foi revelada. O mistério oculto de sua experiência de vida foi revelado, e a conspiração começou a fermentar silenciosamente.
Jian An acidentalmente perde a memória e depende profundamente de Yan Lu, que sempre o protegeu. Os dois se apaixonam secretamente...