Nach einem alten keltischen Märchen.
Der Geschichtenerzähler muß dem König ein Jahr lang täglich eine Geschichte auftischen. Es gelingt ihm – am letzten Tag jedoch fällt ihm nichts mehr ein.
From an early Celtic folk tale.
This time, the story is about The Storyteller himself. Some time in his past, the Storyteller tells how he was forced to once beg for his supper. He starts with making a soup for a cook and another beggar using a stone. The cook that they come across lets them try, he's unbelieving and wants to see the soup made from a stone himself. So the Storyteller begins and asks for salt, which the cooks give, then stock, green, potatoes - until a soup is ready. When the truth finally dawns on the cook the Storyteller is brought in front of the king. His punishment is to tell the king a story every night for a year at the price of a golden crown per story. Miss one story, then the cook gets to boil the Storyteller. So time passes, and the Storyteller tells his stories, counts his money, cuddles with his new wife. Then on the last day, he can't think of a story and his mind is blank.
סיפור על מספר הסיפורים עצמו והפעם בה נאלץ להתחנן בעבור ארוחה ולהתייצב בפני המלך.
Od stare keltske narodne priče. Uz pripovijest priče o kamenoj juhi, Pripovjedač govori o teškim vremena kada je bio prisiljen hodati zemljom kao prosjak. Našavši se pred dvorskom kuhinjom, uzme kamen i nasamari dvorskog kuhara da mu pomogne spremiti juhu od kamena, tako da doda u kotao vode i polako dodajući ostale sastojke za poboljšanje okusa. Kada kuhar shvati da je prevaren on traži da Pripovjedač bude živ skuhan. Kralj, kao kompromis, obećava da će dati Pripovjedaču jednu zlatnu krunu za svaku priču koju ispriča za svaki dan u godini - i da će ga skuhati, ako ne uspije. Pripovjedaču je dobro krenulo, ali kad se posljednji dan probudio i nije se mogao sjetiti priče. U panici je tumarao dvorcem, naletio na čarobnog prosjaka koji ga pretvara u buhu. Na kraju dana, kad ga kralj pozove da mu ispriča priču, Pripovjedač priznaje da nema priče, i umjesto toga govori kralju priču o svojim avanturama s čarobnim prosjakom...
Adaptación de la fábula la sopa de piedra, el Cuentacuentos habla de un tiempo difícil cuando se vio forzado a recorrer el territorio como mendigo. Habiendo llegado a la cocina de un castillo, coge una piedra y se burla del cocinero pidiéndole agua para hacer una sopa con la piedra y luego añadiendo al caldero otros ingredientes para mejorar su sabor. Sus esfuerzos le son recompensados con una audiencia con el Rey, quien le promete darle una corona de oro por cada historia que le cuente, una por cada día del año...pero el último día el Cuentacuentos se debilita y no puede pensar en más historias.