The protagonist, Ye Yangtian, appears to be an ordinary high school student, but his peaceful school life is abruptly disrupted by a figure named Lu Dongbin, who informs him that he has been chosen by the Jade Emperor through a lottery to become a god. As Ye Yangtian ascends to divinity, supernatural beings such as demons, taoists, and gods begin to make their appearances, and it seems that a great secret is hidden behind the protagonist's transformation into a deity.
El protagonista, Ye Yangtian, parece ser un estudiante de secundaria común, pero su tranquila vida escolar se ve interrumpida por un individuo llamado Lu Dongbin, quien le revela que ha sido seleccionado por el Emperador de Jade a través de un sorteo para convertirse en un dios. A medida que Ye Yangtian asciende a la divinidad, comienzan a aparecer seres sobrenaturales, como monstruos, taoístas y dioses, y parece que tras la transformación del protagonista en deidad también se oculta un gran secreto.