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Season 1

  • S01E01 Pilot

    • April 26, 2002
    • BBC One

    A search and rescue team are in the Australian outback searching an abandon camp site, when they find a video cartridge and put into a video recorder. And shows us... Eight Scottish kids, Harry, Lucy, Simon, Chrissie, David, Sarah, Leon and Shona and their teacher, Gerry. Are part of a UFO club at their school in Falkirk. They are given a video diary before they leave on a trip to Australia to study a reported UFO sighting. When they arrive at Australia they meet the head ranger, Arnie and the park ranger who is going with them, Melissa. Melissa takes Arnie to one side and tells him that they have been having radio problems in the area they are camping at and she doesn't know the area that well. Chrissie gets jealous of Shona and sabotages the medical supplies. That night,after they set up. Sarah hears a noise outside, so she goes of to investigate and finds her self face to face with bright flashing lights. The camera stops (end of episode)

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • May 3, 2002
    • BBC One

    Sarah bursts into the tent and tells the others that she has seen a UFO. The others don't believe her, so she says she'll show them the recording she filmed. When she rewinds the video she discovers that she has accidentally taped over it. The next day they are split up into groups. Lucy and Sarah go and dig some toilet holes for the campers. Melissa, Leon and David go and try to find some water. They find a river and they notice an abandon canoe, which they find some backpacks and a newspaper dating ten years back,open to an article on a UFO sighting in the area. Meanwhile Simon and Chrissie go and set up the monitoring equipment. On their way back they notice a mound a believe it is an aboriginal tombstone. Back at the camp Gerry tells Shona and Harry what got him interested in UFOs. When the others come back Simon and Chrissie tells them about the tomb stone. The others want to see it. When they arrive Melissa tells them it only a magnetic termite mound. Later Simon leaves his boats

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • May 10, 2002
    • BBC One

    Melissa tells the group that they have three choices. 1.) Melissa goes back to the jeep and get the medical supplies and bring them back. 2.) They all carry Leon back to the jeep and treat him there 3.) They keep using the radio in hopes of getting contact and get Leon air lifted out. David tells the others that there is an option four, which is that they use a natural remedy, which the aboriginals used. Melissa decides that it would be best for her to go back to the jeeps alone. David and Harry go off to find leeches to suck out the poison out of Leon's blood. Meanwhile Gerry questions his role as a leader, Simon over hears Gerry and gets the others in for a meeting. Simon suggests that they elect someone to be the new leader. David and Harry find the leeches and head back to the camp sight, but end up getting lost, because their compass stop working. When they hear a rustling in the bushes and run and end back at the camp. Melissa arrives at the jeeps and discovers that

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • May 17, 2002
    • BBC One

    Melissa comes round and discovers the jeep is hanging over the edge of a cliff. Melissa manages to get out; while trying to get the radio the jeep ends up falling over. Melissa decides to head back to the camp. Meanwhile Gerry, David, Harry and Chrissie go off to set up the monitoring equipment. Back at the camp Sarah and Simon talk about there lucky items. David is upset to discovers that Harry has stopped taking his medicine for his epilepsy. That night Melissa sets off one of the flares. The rest of the group see the flares but think it is alien, which causes Chrissie to freak out. The next day Melissa is walking back when she believes that she is being followed and freaks out and breaks out into a run screaming, into the video camera that they where right, that they are being watched. Back at the camp Leon breaks out into fits saying Melissa is in danger, and that Gerry, David and Sarah know what the danger is. Melissa falls over and looks up and screams, and there is a blinding

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • May 24, 2002
    • BBC One

    Gerry begins to worry when Melissa doesn't return, so he decides they need to carry Leon back themselves. Meanwhile Simon and Lucy go off to check the monitoring equipment, when Lucy falls in a hole, which Simon says might be an animal trap. When they get to they find one tree burnt. David and Harry go fishing and return to discover that Chrissie had left the lid of the food and that ants infested the food, and bit Chrissie. After Shona treats Chrissie. Chrissie breaks down and tells them that she took some of the medicine out of the medical kit, as a joke. Gerry tells the others that they need to carry Leon back, nd the others agree. However the girls are upset to learn that they'll be left behind. While walking Leon gets up and says he is fine. A little while later he collapses and the guys put him back on to the stretcher. Simon, who is reading the map, gets the group lost. Which causes Gerry and the others to get upset, because the jeeps are one and a half miles away (the other sid

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • May 31, 2002
    • BBC One

    David and Simon go down to the gully to try and find Gerry, but all they find is Gerry's backpack and signs off some one being dragged. Back at the camp the girls get into an argument and Chrissie runs off. Sarah and Lucy go and look for Chrissie. Chrissie spots a plane and starts screaming and trying to wave it down. Sarah and Lucy find Chrissie and think she might be going crazy. Back at the gully Harry begins to get sick of waiting and decides to carry Leon to the jeeps himself. Harry finds the medical supplies scattered every where and the anti-venom in a ring of rocks. David and Simon arrive at the jeep and decide that Gerry might have gone back to the camp and decide to head back. They find Harry and Leon, being instructed by Shona, over the radio, David gives Leon the anti-venom. The boys get the jeep bogged and decide to walk, Leon says he feels much better and walks as well. David mistake's a Kola's mating call for Gerry. Leon needs to lie down so they decide to spend the

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • June 7, 2002
    • BBC One

    The boys head back to the camp when they almost get hit by a branch that fell out off a tree. They discover that the brake was a clean cut, David says it's alien activity. Back at the camp the girls find the monitoring equipment burnt. Sarah, Lucy and Shona hear a scream and find Chrissie who can see the words 'JEOPARDY BEWARE' written on the trunk of a tree, the others can't see it. Chrissie insist that its there and to prove it she asks the tree if the boys are OK, the tree writes 'N' causing Chrissie to freak out. The others think she might be suffering from sunstroke. The boys arrive back at the camp. Simon decides to use Chrissie as a means to get away. Simon apologizes to David and suggest they go fishing. They decide to take the canoe in case they find Gerry or Melissa. Leon gets suspicious when he sees Simon and Chrissie whispering but decides to ignore it. Simon, David and Chrissie are in the canoe when Simon and Chrissie push David out a row away. Simon suddenly goes off

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • June 14, 2002
    • BBC One

    Simon manages to get out of the river and follows Gerry and Melissa. Chrissie also manages to get out but loses Simon. Chrissie finds that food has been falling out of Simon's backpack and follows the trail. Meanwhile the others get into an argument over Simon and Chrissie, to see if they should find them. Shona decides to go get some food and discovers that Simon and Chrissie took some of the food with them. They decide to start a fire and use it as a signal, they also write S.O.S on the ridge with large rocks. the group decide to find Simon and Chrissie David and Sarah go one way and Harry and Lucy go the other, Shona and Leon stay back at the camp. David and Sarah discover strange chalk markings, that they didn't put, on the trees. Harry and Lucy hear a noise in the bush and freak out and run. Shona decides to get supper ready for the others when she and Leon hear something move in the bushes. Harry and Lucy find a patch of land burnt in a circle. Harry begins to have a seizure.

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • June 21, 2002
    • BBC One

    Harry recovers and tells Lucy that he suffers from epilepsy and left his medicine back in Scotland, so he can be stronger like the other guys. Dingos invade the camp and Shona and Leon take refuge in a tree. The dingos start acting weirdly when Shona cuts her leg and it bleeds. Shona and Leon blow their whistles and scares the dingos away. The whistles also help David and Sarah find their way back to the camp. Chrissie gets fed up following Simon so she 'talks' to Gerry and Melissa and tells them they're going in the wrong directions and don't need their help and she and Simon head back. Harry and Lucy find chalk arrows on the ground and follow them back to the camp. Chrissie and Simon get back in the canoe and sleep, Chrissie realizes she got what she always wanted, time alone with Simon, only not in the circumstances they're in. David, who is to excited to sleep, goes for a walk and comes face to face with the same lights Sarah saw and says he is ready. Tape stops (end episode)

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • June 28, 2002
    • BBC One

    Sarah stops David from doing something stupid. Which causes him to go off at Sarah. The next day Chrissie wakes up to find her self alone in the canoe. She goes a shore and finds Simon who tells her the canoe has sprung a leak and they have to go back to the camp because it's to far to keep going to the head quarters. Sarah wakes up to discover some of the trees have been burnt. Everyone, except Shona, believes it's from a UFO. They decide to look for Simon and Chrissie. Shona stays back to keep the fire going. Shona finds a capsule and decide to keep it a secret until she works out what it is. When she hears a plane over head, she tries to radio the plane and discovers that the fire has gone out. The others return, after seeing the plane, and are upset Shona let the fire out. They decide to leave and leave a note for Chrissie and Simon. When they leave the note is blown away by the wind. Chrissie follows some chalk markings back to the camp. Where they hear Gerry on the radio telling

  • S01E11 Episode 11

    • July 5, 2002
    • BBC One

    Simon and Chrissie decide to stay one more night at the camp sight before they leave. Meanwhile the others get lost and David and Leon continue to fight and argue. Shona shows Sarah the capsule. they discover a bit of torn shirt and realize that it's from Melissa's shirt. They also find her video tape and watch it. Chrissie finds some tire marks in the middle of the camp site and she and Simon follow them. Simon begins to hallucinate again and begins to see three Chrissie's. Simon wonders off, thinking he is following Chrissie and ends up at a cave here he finds Melissa tied up. Simon, thinking he is still hallucinating, doesn't think she is there so he leaves. Chrissie manages to contact the others but an argument with the others causes her to turn the radio off. Chrissie and Simon find a hut and tell the others how to get their. Simon starts to get thirsty and heads toward the hut. Chrissie follows and in the hut they find Gerry, all tied up. Chrissie begins to untie Gerry when the

  • S01E12 Episode 12

    • July 12, 2002
    • BBC One

    The man, Joe, takes of his bike helmet and asks them to take them to their leader, which causes Simon to faint. Joe goes over to Simon and pulls a couple of ticks of Simon. Joe then turns the radio off and and locks them into the hut and leaves, on a trail bike. Shona finally tells the others about the capsule she found. David hears the trail bike and thinks that it's a UFO. So he and Lucy follow Joe to a cave and watch him take food in and come out empty handed, they then follow him back to the camp site and dig around. Lucy goes and gets the trail bike as David distracts Joe. Meanwhile the others free the others from the hut. They radio into Arnie and tell him they're at the hut and they need the police. Meanwhile the others set up a trap for Joe; only to capture David and Lucy when they return, with Joe tied up. That night David and the guys talk about the strange things and decide that Joe would of caused the lights and burning. David says he doesn't agree because of all the othe

  • S01E13 Episode 13

    • July 19, 2002
    • BBC One

    When asked how he knew about the diamonds Arnie says when they said they caught a man called Joe he put two and two together. Sarah points out that she never said anybodies name. It then comes out that Arnie is Joe's brother and is in on the bank robbery all along. Arnie and Joe escape and lock the group in the hut. While this is happening Melissa and Simon sabotages Arnie's jeep and take the capsule. Melissa and Simon rescue the others when they see Arnie's jeep explode. Melissa and Gerry go the wreckage site and find nobody is there. They return to the others and discover Simon has taken the trail bike and gone after the others. Melissa and Gerry take a jeep and go after Simon, who is caught by Arnie and Joe and the trail bike taken from him. the others catch Arnie and Joe. Joe disappears but Arnie claims his leg is broken. Melissa agrees to stay while the others get rescued. On the way to the ridge David and Harry stop to rest. When Joe comes back and demands the diamonds. Chrissie

Season 2

  • S02E01 Episode 14

    • May 12, 2003
    • BBC One

    The helicopter arrives and the group is picked up and flown to a field where they are picked up and taken to the hospital. In the hospital Shona runs into a pair of identical twin girls, who are watching David's video, when asked what they're think they're doing they see Gerry in the video and say that he is their friend. Shona tries to tell Lucy about the twins, but they have disappeared. The group, except David and Sarah, get back together and watch as Gerry is being taken away. Harry, Lucy, Shona, Leon, Chrissie and Simon are taken to a facility where they discover that their mobile phones have been taken. There they meet Helen Stanich, their alliance. Who tells them they can't contact Scotland until they have been debriefed. That night a phone rings and Leon answers it, it's David who tells him that they need to leave. The next day they look around and Lucy finds a phone, and Stanich catches her trying to call Scotland. Shona and Leon notice security camera's all around the boun

  • S02E02 Episode 15

    • May 19, 2003
    • BBC One

    Lucy gives Harry a birthday card, when Leon arrives and tells them that it's Sunday, not Saturday. They begin to wonder if Gerry was right about an alien encounter. They decide to escape. Harry shows the others that all the weird stuff that happen to them has been erased from the video recorders. The group confront Stanich who tell them that David and Sarah where in an accident and had concussion. She also tells them that they're waiting for them in a helicopter outside. The group look out the window and see David and Sarah walk pass. Shona hears Sarah tell her to look out the window, which she does and discovers that it's not David and Sarah that they saw. Shona shows the group and they decide to escape. They manage to escape, but they notice that no one is following. They decide to stay in Australia and find David and Sarah before they return. They decide to put all of their money and travelers checks together and elect Chrissie as treasure, Simon keeps some of his money hidden from

  • S02E03 Episode 16

    • May 26, 2003
    • BBC One

    Harry tries to make an excuse for their speeding but is relived to discover that the police were just returning is bank card, which he left at the petrol station. The group later arrives at a town where they find a pay phone, but agree not to call their parents. They go into a shop where they are confronted by a boy, who is in charge of the shop. The group learn that his mother went missing at the Paramundi ridge. The group goes back to the ridge to stay the night, they discover that their watches have stopped, Simon says it might be a magnetic rock, but Harry points out that his watch is self winding. That night the girls see lights, similar to the ones that Sarah saw on their first night. The next day they go for a walk in the bush, when Harry gets his arm cut, Shona refuses to look in the medical bag, which she got from the store and Harry says it won't cause an epileptic reaction. Simon and Harry get into an argument over which way they go. Simon decides to go on his own, Chrissie

  • S02E04 Episode 17

    • June 2, 2003
    • BBC One

    The next morning the group wake up and find Simon missing. They notice that his bag and wallet are still in the camp site and believe he might have been abducted by aliens. However he was getting donuts and drink for breakfast, Harry thinks something is wrong because the closest town is miles away and he didn't' take his wallet. They go through the papers and discover that a person named Ed filed a report in the paramnudi area. They decide to go and see Ed. They arrive in the town and they go into a shop, except Shona who wonders off in the other direction and Lucy who follows her. Shona notices the twins across the road and screams when one of them steps out in front of a truck hurtling down the road. Shona tries to show Lucy the video tape, but the twins don't appear on the film. The rest of the group find out where Ed lives. They all arrive at Ed's place and discover Ed is a she. Ed tells them that they're late. Ed tells the group about the strobes of light and helicopters five day

  • S02E05 Episode 18

    • June 9, 2003
    • BBC One

    Everybody freezes in terror as the agents phone rings and they leave. The group aren't sure if Ed told the Federal agents that they where there. Ed tells them she wouldn't call the federal agents and then hide them. Harry later tells Ed that he thinks one of the group is a spy. Harry later tells this to Lucy and Simon overhears and claims Harry has lost it. Harry begins to wonder if he is the spy but can't remember. Shona decides to go to town to get more supplies, Chrissie and Leon go with her. Shona leaves Chrissie and Leon and says she needs to do something else. Chrissie and Leon go back to Seb's shop and ask questions. Seb tells them that the last lot of people who asked too many questions where two helicopter pilots, who went missing the next day. When the group gets back together they decide to go to the military base. Ed agrees to take one of them in, Chrissie volunteers. In the base Chrissie finds a C.D which has voice recordings from a helicopter flying over Paramundi. Chriss

  • S02E06 Episode 19

    • June 30, 2003
    • BBC One

    The group heads off in search of the twins. When Rusty suddenly stops in the middle of a town, for no apparent reason. Harry, Lucy and Shona decide to goto a shop and try and get help; while the others go and feed the birds. In the shop Shona goes to an aboriginal man who tells her to beware of the kangaroo, because it's dangerous. Meanwhile Chrissie decides to go to the shop when she is hit by a van, which has a kangaroo picture on the side. Chrissie is taken to the hospital and Simon goes with her. When they arrive the nurse asks for their passport. Simon says he needs to call a friend, who has them. So he calls Helen on the phone, Chrissie comes to and notices Simon on the mobile and then pretends to still be conscience, when she hears David and Sarah to leave, because it isn't safe, so she gets up and walks out of the hospital. Later the group get into a fight and Simon accuses Harry of being the traitor, when Simon leaves Chrissie tells the others that Simon is the traitor and sho

  • S02E07 Episode 20

    • July 7, 2003
    • BBC One

    The group decide to go back and get Simon but are shocked to discover that the train has gone, with Simon in it. Chrissie tells them that they should just leave him, the others say they need to find him. The group argue but in the end agree it's more important to find David and Sarah first; and that Simon most likely call Helen Stanich when the train stops. Harry says he won't be able to and show the group that he has Simon's mobile. Harry decides to call Helen but Chrissie stops him telling him that Helen Stanich would be able to trace and find them. When they leave Chrissie throws the phone out the window. Helen later traces the phone. Simon begins to get feel tired and goes to sleep when he gets bitten by a spider.When Simon realizes what happens he turns to his video camera and tells the others he did what he thought was right at the time, and warns them to watch their backs. The group arrive at the Gold Coast and look for the twins, when thy find the twins they (Ruby and Ann) laug

  • S02E08 Episode 21

    • July 14, 2003
    • BBC One

    The group begin to think about their next plan of action when they hear something outside, Harry goes off and investigates and discovers that it's Ruby and Ann who tell him that they are being watched and points to a man on the cliff and tells Harry to meet them at the Uncle's houseboat at Shelly's Beach at 6 o'clock the next morning. Meanwhile Simon collapses on the ground and sees David and tries to tell him he was only trying to help. Harry goes to the man and tells him to stop spying on them but discovers that he is a birdwatcher. The next day Shona decides not to see the twins. The others arrive but can't find the twins, suddenly the twins appear and the group think its creepy that they didn't hear the twins come. On the houseboat the twins refuse to speak until Shona turns up, the others try to tell them that Shona isn't coming when Shona appears at the houseboat. Meanwhile an aboriginal man finds Simon and carries him to his car. The twins still refuse to speak until the beat th

  • S02E09 Episode 22

    • July 21, 2003
    • BBC One

    Stanich tells her agent that nobody is on the boat and they leave. Meanwhile Simon is taken to the doctors and manages to show him the video of the spider that bit him. The man tells Doc that he's been expecting Simon. Back on the boat the group listen to the disk that Chrissie took from the military base and are shocked to learn that it's a recording of a helicopter trying to bring the UFO down. They all agree that the best way to find David and Sarah is to go to the next UFO landing site. Ruby and Ann show them a wooden object with hole in it. Chrissie works out it's a map of Australia and the holes are six different UFO landing sites. They are more shocked to learn the next landing is where Simon wound up. Simon comes to and the man introduces him self as Vic. That night Harry gives the twins some money. The next day Vic shows Simon some aboriginal cave paintings and Simon is freaked out by one of six people and bright lights above them. The next morning Lucy wakes up and discovers

  • S02E10 Episode 23

    • July 28, 2003
    • BBC One

    The group have secretly managed to get out of Rusty. Shona tells Leon she left her family photo's in Rusty, so Leon agrees to go and get the photo's. Meanwhile Vic shows Simon go back into the caves where Vic shows Simon a picture of a figure next to a spider and Vic tells Simon that the person is him, meaning Simon, and tells him that he is important. Meanwhile Stanich learns that there were no bodies found in Rusty. The group arrives at a church where they meet the twins who shows them a Land Rover, which Harry brought to replace Rusty. The twins give the groups maps, including one they made them selves, and ask if they ca go, but the group decide that it's best if they didn't so the twins hop onto a bus and leave. Vic shows another figure, Simon again, and tells him that it's him in the Glass Mountains and he needs to be with the others. Vic and Simon head of to an airport and hop onto a plane and fly to the Gold Coast, to find the others. Vic points out the Glass Mountains to

  • S02E11 Episode 24

    • August 4, 2003
    • BBC One

    Harry claims the truck was a UFO. Lucy and Harry talk about what happened and Lucy reminds him of how they all have changed since they arrived in Australia. That night Lucy dreams of David and Sarah who tells her to find him, and then she sees Gerry, who tells her to follow the sign. The next day Lucy finds a sign to Moongooba. Chrissie tells her not to take literally. Simon watches in horror as he sees Rusty being towed away. So he and Vic decide to find the twins. When they find Ruby and Ann the twins refuse to speak. When Vic tells them about the cave paintings and how he believes Simon is important they agree to help, only if they are aloud to come as well. Lucy tells the group that she'll go alone if they won't help her find Gerry, so the others drive off with out her, only to return later and they all decide to go to the hospital. At the airport Simon comes face to face with Stanich who tells him she is only trying to help the aliens. Simon doesn't believe her. Stanich's radio

  • S02E12 Episode 25

    • August 11, 2003
    • BBC One

    The group are driving when the Land Rover over heats and stops. They use one of the remaining few water bottles to cool down the radiator. Shona hears a noise over heads and spots a plan, that begins to circle them. They get back into the Land Rover and try and get away but the plane lands right in front of them and out hops Simon. Chrissie is the only one who is pleased to see him. Vic leaves, telling Simon that he doesn't need him any more. Simon tells the group what happened and all about the caves and suggests they should go and look at the caves. Harry isn't happy with Simon coming back and expecting everything to be OK. That night Shona goes to get a drink and freaks out to discover the water bottle is infested with bugs. Lucy says she must of left the lid off. The group aren't too happy about this, because it was their last water bottle. Simon tells them he knows how to find more water. The next day the Land Rover over heats again and they decide to walk to the caves. Shona noti

  • S02E13 Episode 26

    • August 18, 2003
    • BBC One

    Lucy has a vision in which David and Sarah tell her to believe in the power of the group. Lucy tells the rest of the group and place their hands on top of Chrissie and she comes too. Water trickles out of Simon's hole. They finally arrive at the caves and Simon shows them the cave paintings. Lucy begins to feel claustrophobic and runs out of the caves. When there is an earth tremor and the rest of the group are caved in. Lucy tells the others she'll go get help. The group talk about their time in Australia and go to sleep. The next morning they discover another hole which they climb though and discover more cave paintings which speaks of an eclipse. When they hear someone moving the rocks in the other cavern. They go back and are shocked to come face to face with Stanich. They group get back together with Lucy, who tells them she fell over and Stanich's agents found her. The group confront Stanich; who tells them she is on their side and she tells them how her people are wanting her to

Season 3

  • S03E01 Episode 27

    • February 9, 2005
    • BBC One

    The group decide to hold hands again, in hopes of David and Sarah coming back. They hold each others hand and there is a sudden blur of lights and everything goes darker and colder. When it gets lighter they discover they're back in Falkirk Scotland. They decide to go to there families until they find David and Sarah. They split up into two groups, Harry and Simon and Chrissie in one and Lucy and Shona and Leon in the other. Harry's group go to the school and discover that nobody is in the school, they hear a noise and begin to panic, but discover it's the others, who went to town and found nobody there either. They look around the school grounds and discover Gerry's car, so Harry's group go into the school to see if they can find him. Once inside Chrissie makes way to the room where they have there UFO club meetings, Harry and Simon follow her in. They hear foot steps, and think it's Gerry, but are disappointed to see it's the caretaker. So they hide behind the door as he walks pass.

  • S03E02 Episode 28

    • February 16, 2005
    • BBC One

    David and Sarah tell the others that they where last seen walking into the ocean, and that the service of hope was for them. Chrissie says it's getting too much and runs outside and sees her parents down the road. Chrissie calls out to them but they can't seem to hear her. Shona also thinks it's getting too much and wants to see her mother. Shona rushes of home, with Leon and Sarah following her. When Shona's mother comes to the door Sarah tells her Shona and the others are back, Shona's mother tries to comfort Sarah saying it's hard on them all. Shona calls out to her mother but she doesn't notice her. When they get back to the others they tell them what happened and they agree they must be invisible. The group begin to feel tired so they set up in a hall for the night. David and Sarah tell the others that they found them selves back in Scotland on the 22nd of November and the next day the police began to question them, because that was when the others disappeared. Later, while David

  • S03E03 Episode 29

    • February 23, 2005
    • BBC One

    The group find themselves back on the glass mountains, as the eclipse finishes. They look around and see soldiers looking through the area. They decide to go look for Gerry, but stay hidden, in case they aren't invisible anymore. Simon saves Chrissie when she finds her self with a snake on her. On the way down the go pass a cabin, where Leon goes inside and says he isn't feeling. Leon rejoins the others, and he begins to see double. Harry suggests that they use Simon and Leon as decoy to send the soldiers away from the group, Leon tells the group he isn't feeling well, which causes Simon to get fed up with Leon. Lucy hears movement and the group hide, but are discovered, by Lil and Stan. Lil notices Leon's leg is badly bleeding, Leon was hiding on an bull ants nest, and suggests he goes to the Moongooba hospital. Lucy looks at Lil's watch and finds out her watch has also stopped, but according to the date on the watch they have three days before the four walk into the waves. Lil and St

  • S03E04 Episode 30

    • March 2, 2005
    • BBC One

    The group go down the ravine, and can't find Leon. Chrissie and Shona accuse Simon of pushing Leon over. Shona decides to stay and continue looking for Leon. Harry and Lucy decide to stay with Shona. Simon and Chrissie decide to go look for Gerry at Moongooba hospital. Harry and Lucy agree that Shona is keeping something from them. Meanwhile Simon and Chrissie get lost. Lucy hears movement behind them, and Harry believes they're being followed, so they set up a trap; but end up catching Chrissie. Chrissie says she needs some water so Lucy and Shona go with her, Chrissie admits she doesn't need water, just to get away from Simon, because she is finding him too annoying at the moment, Lucy says the same thing about Harry. Chrissie and Simon continue to look for Gerry. Shona tells Lucy she needs time alone; Lucy let's Shona have the time alone, which causes Harry to get upset. Chrissie and Simon see one of the authorities vehicles. Shona decides to tell the others about Leon's red eye, an

  • S03E05 Episode 31

    • March 9, 2005
    • BBC One

    Shona turns around and sees Stancih and freaks out, Shona demand Stanich to tell her where Leon is, Stanich says she doesn't know. Harry and Lucy wait for Shona and talk about how everything doesn't seem real, Lucy says she feels like Alice from 'Alice in Wonderland'. Simon and Chrissie hitch a lift and end up getting taken to town by a police mechanic. Shona tells Stanich what happened at the eclipse. Stanich says she will help her find the others. Shona suddenly sees Leon, but it turns out to be a solider, whom Stanich manages to get rid off; Shona's eye goes red. Harry and Lucy decide to go look for Shona. Simon and Chrissie end up at the hospital, but Chrissie refuses to going, after what happened to them the last time the went. Shona and Stanich are driving around, but Shona can't remember which way she came from. Harry and Lucy find them selves back at the ravine and see blinding flashes of light, Harry thinks it's another alien encounter, but it turns out to be the reflection of

  • S03E06 Episode 32

    • March 16, 2005
    • BBC One

    Simon and Chrissie go through Gerry's file and discover he was last checked by a Professor Sharpe, and that he maybe on Astrid Island. Stanich calls some, named Sam, and tells Sam what has happened. Harry and Lucy decide to keep looking for Shona. Simon and Chrissie go off and buy some camping gear and a map, but can't find Astrid Island on it. Harry and Lucy arrive at the lake and Harry sees Shona struggling in the waters and he freaks out and goes into rescue her, Lucy stops him and notices his eye has gone red. Lucy manages to get Harry out and shows him that Shona wasn't in the lake but a log. Chrissie begins to find it hard to carry the bags and refuses to walk. Harry and Lucy arrive back in the bush and Harry's eye turns red again, when Stanich appears. Stanich tells them that she has heard that some people, who have had alien encounters get the red eye, and that her friend Professor Sharpe might be able to help them, Harry and Lucy are reluctant to go with her, after lying to th

  • S03E07 Episode 33

    • March 23, 2005
    • BBC One

    Stanich tells Harry and Lucy that Simon and Chrissie might of vanished, like Shona and Leon, so they continue on to find Professor Sharpe. Simon and Chrissie are dropped of by the white Ute in the middle of the bush, Simon decides to look around to see if he can find anybody, Chrissie stays put. Stanich, Lucy and Harry arrive at Professor Sharpe's, and discover that Gerry's file has gone missing. Lucy and Harry tell Sharpe abut the eclipses and Leon disappearing, and Sharpe gives Harry a check over. Stanich asks Lucy if she can remember anything important, but Lucy says she can't. Later Lucy, Stanich and Sharpe are talking about the red eye and how people might get it, they work out that it's to do with fear, because they're afraid for their lives. So they agree to try and keep Harry calm. Simon and Chrissie set up camp, and find Shona's camera and watch the last things she said, about if she said to much or not. Sharpe tells Lucy that there have been a lot of reports about abducted pe

  • S03E08 Episode 34

    • March 30, 2005
    • BBC One

    Chrissie and Simon wake up and realize they have one full day left before they disappear. So they decide to go and look for Gerry in the town. Stanich ells Sharpe not to tell Lucy and Harry about Gerry and the others. Harry over hears them talking. Simon and Chrissie arrive at a beach when a dog approaches them and Chrissie, who doesn't get along with dogs, throws a stick into the ocean and the dog goes in after it, the owners tell them not worry, the dog likes water too much that it's hard to get him out of the water at times, so they go in after the dog, Simon decides to go in and help them. Chrissie watches the witness report about four of them walking into the waves and Chrissie heads out into the waves and screams. Lucy tries to contact Gerry but a hand grabs her. Sharpe arrives at Harry's room, to discover he is missing. Simon manages to calm Chrissie down after her vision of them in the waves. Lucy is relived that it's Harry who grabbed her. Harry tells her what he over heard an

  • S03E09 Episode 35

    • April 6, 2005
    • BBC One

    Stanich tries to get Harry, Simon and Lucy together, but the truck driver wants Stanich to write a witness report saying he didn't do anything illegal, Simon and Lucy run off, Harry who hides behind a car and waits to see what Stancich does, but the car he is hiding behind drives off. Lucy tries to tell Simon about the red eye, but he finds it hard to believe. Harry appears with his camera and shows Simon the video of Chrissie getting the red eye and splitting. They decide to continue on there way. Harry decides to get some supplies and goes into a shop, while Lucy and Simon continue on. Harry notices Stanich and hides. The owner asks if he is an alien, Harry is shocked, so the owner rephrases his question and asks if he is an illegal alien, Harry plays along and says that he is, the owner tells him to turn himself in, so Harry tells the owner everything. Stnaich heads towards the shop, the owner lets Harry out back and goes to Stanich and tells her that nobody has been there. The grou

  • S03E10 Episode 36

    • April 13, 2005
    • BBC One

    Gerry gets into the ambulance an drives off. Simon gets Gerry to stop the ambulance, Simon asks Harry how they can be sure if Gerry is the real thing, and not working for Stanich or the aliens. Lucy, still in the ambulance, hears the radio and them being told to pull over and let them out. Lucy gets out and tells the others that they've bee found. They decide to walk the rest of the way. That evening Simon shows Harry the tape of the cave paintings and shows him th one of a figure splitting into two people and suggests that Gerry may have got made into two Gerry's and they got the alien one. Gerry tells Simon all that happened to them. Simon then suggests, to Harry that the aliens could of fed that information into Gerry. The next day Gerry tells the others that he heard Stanich mention Marronconba Island quite a bit and suggest that they go there. After another argument they head off. When they spot a road block, they manage to go pass unnoticed and believe that it's a sign that there

  • S03E11 Episode 37

    • April 13, 2005
    • BBC One

    Simon, Harry and Gerry find themselves in a cabin, with blindfolds. They are told Lucy is in the sick bay room. They are asked questions by the stewards, but they are tight lipped about it, and refuse to speak. The stewards decide to question them one by one. So they take Simon, as well as the batteries from the camera's. Meanwhile Lucy finds her self in the bush and sees Harry in the swamp calling for help. Lucy freaks out and wakes up screaming, Lucy discovers she was dreaming. Whilst the steward is questioning Simon he is called away. Simon looks out the window and is stunned when he thinks he can see Chrissie walk past. Simon manges to climb out the window and manages to find Lucy, when they are caught by the stewards. Simon tells them that he has managed to convince Lucy to cooperate and thinks he can convince the others as well. The stewards take Lucy and Simon back to the others. They manage to escape through the floor. Lucy, Harry and Gerry continue on, but Simon gets his shirt

  • S03E12 Episode 38

    • April 27, 2005
    • BBC One

    The group aren't to sure if they had just seen Simon, because he looked like he was pleased he was going back to A.S.T.R.I.D. They head back into the bush and Harry goes of looking for some food, Harry returns says he found a fig tree, but it turns out to be a regular old tree. They hear laughing near the water and head toward it and are shocked to see Leon, Shona Chrissie and Simon splashing about in the water, they then see the stewards arrive and are shocked when the others don't run off. They, Gerry, harry and Lucy head back into the bush and talk about the alien virus and leave that once a person gets abducted they get the red eye, split, disappear and reappear on the island, with there memory wiped. Lucy tells the others her plan to get back with the others. They plan to act childish, like the others where, to get in. This works, but hey are brought in for questioning. The head steward decides to let Harry and Lucy out with the others and keeps Gerry in for more questions. Harry

  • S03E13 Episode 39

    • May 4, 2005
    • BBC One

    Harry and Lucy run off. The head steward tells the others that he has a new game for them to play ""Scaring Harry and Lucy"" Harry and Lucy get lost and Lucy gets emotional over it. Harry thinks something is up, because no one has followed them. Leon and Shona get board and end up playing tag. Leon manages to find Harry and Lucy. Harry pushes Leon over and stamps on his foot. Harry and Lucy run off and find a cabin, they go in side to hide and look around and find beds with the others name on, and then they see two beds with there names on them. Gerry arrives and finds them. Lucy and Harry ask Gerry if he can remember anything, Gerry can't and thinks he is too young to be a teacher. Lucy and Harry manage to get him to play blind man's bluff with them and manage to escape. Harry and Lucy arrive at a river and Harry decides to go look for a way to the beach. Harry arrives at the beach and sees boat in the water. Meanwhile Lucy is hiding but hears Simon calling out to her and she freaks ou

  • S03E14 Episode 40

    • May 4, 2005
    • BBC One

    Lucy turns around to go back to the shore and sees the twins on the island and freaks out, causing her eye to go red. Harry manages to calm her down and they go to the twins. One of them holds out his hand to Lucy who touches it and is suprised to find it warm. They tell Harry and Lucy they are humans from a suprior race from many years ago that escaped Earth when it was about to colide. And how there race evolled on the earth. They also tell them they where the one following them the whole time. And how to geneteccally engniered their race to get rid of all negative emotions, which caused them to become two. They tell Harry and Lucy they don't know what casued the red eye and that there is no remedy. They tell them the only way is to go back to the beginning and remember everything for the first time. The twins disappear. Lucy and Harry arrive back at the beach and see the boat and realise if they need to get the group back together and use the power of the group to get back to Falkir

  • SPECIAL 0x1 New Alternative Ending

    New, alternative ending of season 3.