Robert becomes determined to rid himself of his alter ego, and as he falls in love with Lily, he resolves to keep Hyde a secret from her. In desperation, he takes some of the potions he finds in his grandfather's laboratory. Garson tells Robert that his grandmother may still be alive, and he sets off in search of her - but Captain Dance is also trying to track her down.
Tom regresa a su hogar, y descubre que la organización que lo persigue es 'Klein & Utterson', la compañía para la que trabaja. Hyde asesina a Benjamin — uno de los líderes de la organización — y los ejecutivos de Klein & Utterson se lo llevan y lo colocan en una caja cerrada, pese al hecho de que están al tanto de su claustrofobia.
Nyt Robert tajuaa vanhan Jekyllin kokeet. Robertin isoisä keksi, miten ihminen jaetaan kahtia. Jos isoisä pystyi jakamaan itsensä lääkkeen avulla, niin ehkä lääkkeestä löytyy Robertille apu vaivaan?