After Jeff inadvertently murders an alien on the planet Azuria, he is forced to kill a human on Earth in order to prevent an intergalactic war.
Jeff acquires luxury items to impress his girlfriend by trading his life energy, but the ends don’t necessarily justify the means.
A robotic preteen girl is controlled by Jeff so he can access his niece’s social circle and encourage her to explore her artistic side
Jeff’s dad is on life support after a car accident, but he tries to save him using an alien device that employs laughter as the best medicine.
Orders to colonize Earth are issued by a high-ranking Azurian and include the direction of all resources toward the production of fruit smoothies.
Jeff alters his memories with an alien device that gives his confidence a boost.
Jeff’s personality traits are inadvertently passed on to everyone on Earth while the aliens are on vacation.
Upset that his childhood best friend "Sauce" is no longer as fun as he used to be, Jeff feeds him a mind-altering chemical that reignites his youthful sense of fun.
The aliens give Jeff an ultimatum: win over his crush Linda within 50 days, or the planet will be destroyed.