Gray erfährt, dass sich ihr Exmann Beau verlobt hat und ist darüber enttäuscht. Kate will helfen und legt für Gray ein Online-Dating-Profil an. Als Gray von der Dating-Anfrage eines attraktiven und reichen Mannes erfährt, willigt sie ein, ihn zu treffen. Das Date wurde allerdings von India eingefädelt, um Gray schlecht dastehen zu lassen. Jane unterstützt die Beziehung zwischen Billy und Zoe. Und Rita versucht derweil alles, um Ben zurückzugewinnen, doch das geht nach hinten los.
Love is in the air, but needs a little help to get going and Jane is determined to help her friends out. Billy is caught off guard when Zoe invites him to meet her parents and he isn’t so sure he is ready to take that step. Kate, on the other hand, decides to help Gray take the next step with her love life by setting up an online dating profile for her. Mortified by her mother’s actions, Jane must now try to put a stop to the online dating scheme before Gray finds out and fires her for sure.
Meanwhile, Rita decides to finally fight for Ben - but is she up for taking on life-long mean girl Amanda?
Billy viene preso in contropiede quando Zoe lo invita a conoscere i suoi genitori e non si sente pronto per questo passo. Kate invece decide di aiutare Gray a compiere il prossimo passo nella sua vita amorosa e le compila un profilo on-line per un sito di appuntamenti. Mortificata dalle azioni di sua madre, Jane cerca di cancellare il profilo sul database prima che Gray lo venga a scoprire. Rita decide di voler lottare per conquistare Ben, ma riuscirà a vincere l'astuzia di Amanda?