Jane soll eine Präsentation über den persönlichen Stil von Jugendlichen vorbereiten. Gray ist natürlich nicht bewusst, wie gut Jane für diese Aufgabe geeignet ist. Doch India wird misstrauisch und beginnt Nachforschungen anzustellen. Wird es Jane gelingen, geheimzuhalten, dass sie Teil der jugendlichen Zielgruppe ist?
When she questions India’s presentation in front of Gray, Jane is tasked to do her own research to find out what high school students are really looking for in the fashion world. Determined to prove that teenagers are about finding out who they are and not changing just to fit some mold, Jane hits the hallways of her school to prove her point. But when her classmates are less then helpful, Jane starts to worry that she won’t be able to pull the presentation off.
Meanwhile, Billy tries a new look to gain a little bit more respect, much to Jane’s chagrin.
Gray donne à Jane un projet, elle doit donc faire une présentation vidéo sur la mode chez les jeunes.
Jane riceve un incarico per un progetto da Grey; la ragazza mette insieme un video che presenta il suo lavoro e l'interazione che c'è con i teenager e il liceo per trovare nuovi spunti sulla prossima fashion addiction. Nel frattempo Billy cerca di guadagnare rispetto cambiando look.