Jan assists renowned photographer Mel Karpova who is shooting movie star Gerald Noth and his girlfriend Andie. Jan makes one blunder after another until she's convinced her first day will be her last.
Gery takes an interest in Jan and encourages her to go a step too far, putting her in direct conflict with Mel.
It seems like the "dream job" is over when Gery intervenes again, this time in a more personal way.
Gery's efforts create intriguing questions for Jan's roommate, Vanessa, and Jan learns the consequences of her actions at the shoot.
Mel giveth and taketh away both advice and credit while Gery -- never one to shy away from trouble -- causes more.
Gery tries to buy back Jan's good will and things get intimate.
Jan's past catches up to her in the form of her ex boyfriend, Robbie.
Jan, sleep deprived, takes two steps forward and one step back with Mel in their next shoot.
Robbie shows up and now Jan's life turns upside down.
At her next photo shoot, Mel realizes that Jan's personal life is teetering.
Robbie's theft sends Jan into the world of LA's homeless where she meets Cass, who knows of Robbie's past. Gery and Robbie meet at Jan's apartment and trouble ensues.
Robbie and Gery reach an accord as Jan is given an opportunity by Mel. Can she take it?
Jan goes for the gold, leaving Robbie and Vanessa alone.
Jan is mislead by Chase, but Mel wants a truce. They eat, drink and chat and Mel's relationship to Jan changes when another man arrives in Jan's life.
Jan is left alone with Robbie and an erotic dance ensues with the camera as the object of much affection. Robbie takes Jan to see his world and photograph it.