Atlantis Prime Minister Dorsal executes a mock attack against his city to convince Queen Atlanta to allow him to attack other underwater cities. His goal is to conquer all of the other cities and then overthrow Altanta, making emperor of the undersea world. The Neptune's are accidentally ejected from the cruise ship where they are performing and are taken prisoner by Dorsal as invaders. They discover his plan and decide to inform Atlanta of his intentions.
O primeiro ministro de Atlantis, Dorsal simula um ataque a cidade submarina com o objetivo de convencer a rainha Atlanta a contra-atacar os territórios vizinhos, conquista-los e depois senhor de tudo, derrubar o reinado da alteza. Sem ter nada haver com a história, Tutubarão e o grupo Netuno acabam chegando acidentalmente ao reino, envolvendo-se com todos incidentes e perante todas maldades, ajudam e impedem os atos nefastos do vilão.
Der Premierminister von Atlantis täuscht seiner Königin einen Angriff feindlicher Mächte vor. Somit kann er seinen Kriegsgelüsten freien Lauf lassen. Er erobert die Unterwasserwelt und plant, die Regentschaft zu übernehmen.