The Muslim Jesus is a 2007 British documentary directed and produced by Irshad Ashraf, and commissioned and narrated by Melvyn Bragg. The documentary is about the Islamic view of Jesus. It was broadcast by ITV on 19 August 2007. The one-hour special uses the Quran as its main source, and draws on interviews with scholars and historians.It features commentary from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, who was filmed quite extensively for this documentary. The documentary is the first time the subject has been dealt with on British television. The Muslim Jesus explores the similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Gospels and in the Quran. It explores how Islam honours Jesus Christ as a prophet but not as the son of God. According to the Quran the crucifixion was a divine illusion. Instead of dying on the cross, Jesus was rescued by angels and raised to heaven. It concludes that the two faiths have more in common than most people realise.