《初創有明天》大賽終於來臨,上台前阿信卻突然失蹤,蒙玲各人兵分多路去尋找阿信。 Tony遇上了偶像華仔;Billy與Billie遇到了Marcus,Billy更被Wow員工Coey引誘! Kenneth遇到了有過節的前度,她更是這次比賽的評審之一!最後關頭,蒙玲終在笑容析別鎖專區救回阿信,順利出賽!
Nim Shun encounters many obstacles that prevent him from getting to the competition venue. Just when he's on the verge of giving up, his teammate comes to his rescue. PayPayDuck team believes they'll win the contest, but things aren't on their side. Just like every other story, all things, good or bad, must come to an end.