萬鈞再次向阿信開出天價的收購提案,同時力邀其團隊加盟Moby。各人縱然知道前路難行,仍然一致決定拒絕其提案。此時,Cathy為阿信等人揭開隱藏在AI Moby背後的巨大陰謀,他們決定潛力Moby的發布會,在全世界面前揭穿真相……
All stakeholders of PayPayDuck meet up to decide the fate of the company. Soon after, Nim Shun is informed of Wan Kwan's unlawful scheme underlying the launch of AI Moby, so he sets off to sabotage the launch and reveal the conspiracy to the world. With faith and beliefs, Nim Shun and his fellow IT friends are determined to make the world a better place.