Ironfist Chinmi (鉄拳チンミ Tekken Chinmi) is a Japanese manga series written by Takeshi Maekawa. It was published by Kodansha in Monthly Shōnen Magazine from 1983 to 1997 and collected in 35 tankōbon volumes. It is centered around the story of a boy called Chinmi who learns Kung Fu through the staple manga method of fighting progressively more challenging foes. The first 12 volumes were published in English in the UK by Bloomsbury. The series was adapted as a anime television series in 1988, which was dubbed in English in the early 90's as Kung Fu Boy and into Arabic as MadressaT El Kung Fu" (Kung Fu School).
The Ironfist Chinmi or Tekken is kung-fu adventure of a teenage who will complete the art of kung-fu a temple which is Dairin Temple. Adventure background is a huge China Kingdom with a huge history in it and even it's very big territorial. This teenager's name is Chinmi and companion with a funny monkey, which usually called Go Ku, to across the wide of kung-fu's world. Chinmi is an orphan teenage that only have an older sister, Mei Lin. They both, before Chinmi's going to explore his talent in kungfu in Dairin temple, lived near the Choko River in a small restaurant owned by them. It was Master Yosen who gave the first time to Chinmi an inner power kung-fu's style which becomes the first style to rely on every fight in Chinmi's adventure.
تدور القصة حول الفتى سامبي الطموح الذي اصبح حلمه الأول تعلم رياضة الكونغ فو حيث انضم إلى مدرسة خاصة لتعليم هذه الرياضة تعرف سامبي على اصدقاء رائعين وأصبحوا هم الثلاثة يحلمون على تحقيق حلهم وفي كل حلقة يكن هنالك تحدي لهم وبالتحديد لسامبي.
Ironfist Chinmi (鉄拳チンミ Tekken Chinmi) iku seri manga Jepang sing ditulis déning Takeshi Maekawa. Iki diterbitake dening Kodansha ing Monthly Shonen Magazine saka 1983 nganti 1997 lan diklumpukake ing 35 volume tankōbon. Iki dipusatake ing crita babagan bocah lanang sing diarani Chinmi sing sinau Kung Fu liwat metode manga pokok kanggo nglawan mungsuh sing luwih tantangan. 12 jilid pisanan diterbitake ing Inggris ing Inggris dening Bloomsbury. Seri iki diadaptasi minangka serial televisi anime ing taun 1988, sing dijuluki ing basa Inggris ing awal 90-an minangka Kung Fu Boy lan ing basa Arab minangka MadressaT El Kung Fu" (Sekolah Kung Fu). The Ironfist Chinmi utawa Tekken minangka petualangan kung-fu saka remaja sing bakal ngrampungake seni kung-fu candhi yaiku Candi Dairin. Latar mburi petualangan yaiku Kerajaan China sing ageng kanthi sejarah sing gedhe banget lan wilayahe sing gedhe banget.
天性の身軽さと、天真爛漫な素直さ、そして類稀なる拳法の才能をもつ少年チンミ。旅の老師に見出されたチンミは、大陸一とも言われる大林寺に入門し、仲間たちと共に修行をすることになる。仲間たちと厳しい修行を続け、大林寺の老師たちから秘伝を授かるチンミ。 そして、多くの凶悪な拳法を使う悪人たちと戦い、様々な人助けをしていくうちに、 チンミの活躍は大陸中に噂になっていくのであった……。
- Tekken Chinmi
- Iron Fist Chinmi
- てっけんチンミ