The episode begins with Ichika in a dream similar to the one he had in the last episode of the first season. However, this time when he looks to the woman in the IS who he thinks is his sister, she grabs him and strangles him while saying 'I'll kill you'. Ichika then wakes up and finds Laura sleeping with him once again, but this time she has 'clothes' on. Laura asks Ichika to the new amusement park to end their last summer day. Ichika then suggests that they bring the whole group, angering Laura. Ichika then goes around the whole day inviting the other girls to the Amusement park. Meanwhile, Charlotte and Laura decide to go shopping. During their trip, Charlotte and Laura become mini celebrities in a clothing shop, employees at a maid cafe, and heroines when they break up a hostage situation at the maid cafe. The scene then cuts to a mysterious woman named M breaking into a heavily guarded facility to retrieve a confined IS using an extremely powerful IS of her own named Silent Zephyrus. The scene then cuts back to the girls and Ichika at the Amusement park having a fun time. The episode ends with a quick appearance by Sarashiki Tatenashi.
夏休みも残り僅かとなり、一夏との思い出作りに想いをはせるヒロインたち。 そんな中、街へと買い物に来たシャルロットとラウラは、とんでもない事件に巻き込まれ…!?
そして「夏の終わりに縁日デート」という一枚のチラシから巻き起こるラブ・バトル! プールに水着に浴衣に縁日! 一夏をとりまく華やかでにぎやかなヒロインたちの繰り広げるハイスピード学園バトルラブコメ、堂々の再起動!
여름방학이 막바지에 접어든 어느 날, 샤를로트와 라우라는 시내에 쇼핑하러 나간다. 그런데 어떤 카페 점장 눈에 들어온 두 사람은 엉겁결에 알바를 하게 되고... 한편 이치카는 여름방학 추억 삼아 다함께 축제에 갈 계획을 세운다.